Chapter 47~Feelings...

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Yoongi POV
I ran into my dorm complex and as soon as I got to my door, I took my keys out and opened the door with full force. I walked inside and immediately went into the bathroom.

My cheeks were pink and so were my ears as I felt my heart race with excitement. I kept thinking about our encounter at the basketball court and every time I did my heart kept racing.

I looked at myself in the mirror. "You have to stop this Yoongi, you don't like romantic things remember?"

But then I thought about what Jungkook has said to me before:

"...I don't like romantic stuff." I said looking at Jungkook.

"Doesn't mean you can't have a crush on someone."

End of Flashback

I sighed to myself, Just stay away from him, Yoongi.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Namjoon and Jin asleep on the couch. Jin was on top of Namjoon asleep as Namjoon had his arm around Jin, cuddling him. A image of Hoseok then flashed through my mind.

I immediately closed my eyes and shook my head. Stop this, Yoongi. This isn't you. I walked past the couch as quietly as possible, if anyone saw me they would probably say that I look like a robber.

I was almost out of the living room until I stepped on a lego.

"FUCK!" I hissed and held my foot. I realized I was loud and immediately put my hand over my mouth.

I saw Jinnie raise his head up and cry loudly, making Namjoon also wake up. Namjoon grabbed a pacifier from off the table and put it in Jinnie's mouth, making him lay back down while sniffling.

Namjoon then noticed me, "Yoongi..?"

I closed my lips together before saying, "No I'm a robber and here to take all of your stuff with no ski mask on. Now give me all your money."

I Namjoon smiled, "Hyung, your back.."

I hummed and picked up the lego I stepped on and looked at Namjoon. "This is why I hate legos."

Namjoon sat up with Jinnie still on his chest and got up from off the couch with some struggle, slightly rocking Jinnie back to sleep. "I'm gonna go put him down, I'll be right back." I nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"Were you crying?"


I gave him the "are you serious" type look.

"Then why are your eyes so red?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay." I put my hands up in surrender dropping my basketball.

I reached down to pick it up and Hoseok did the same. Our faces were so close to each other that I felt my cheeks heat up again while we stared at each other.

End of Flashback

"Yoongi. Yoongi-hyung. Hyung. Hey!" Namjoon snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh? What?"

"Are you okay? Why are you staring at the cabinet like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like this." Namjoon copied me as he stared into nothing with wide eyes. "That's what you were doing."

I rolled my eyes. Why do I keep thinking about Hoseok?

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