Chapter 67~Jungkookie...

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⚠️Warning slight smut ahead⚠️

~December 30th
Taehyung POV
"Happy birthday baby." I felt light kisses on my cheek and neck.

I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.

"Taetae, baby wake up." He pulled the covers off of me.



"Too early." I mumbled, my lips forming into a pout.

He chuckled, "Baby you have to wake up, it's your birthday."


"So..." I heard get off the bed.

Finally, I can sleep more. I thought to myself while smiling.

"...That means you get up!"

I felt two strong arms under me and pulled me up out of the bed. "Jungkook!" I screamed, feeling the heat from the blanket gone and my feet not touching the floor.

I clung on to his neck, scared that he was gonna drop me. "Don't worry I got you baby." He smiled before giving me another kiss.

He carried me bridal style from his room to the kitchen. "Jungkookie, I want to sleep more." I whined, burying my head further into the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweet scent.

Did he shower? He smells so good.

"Why sleep more when I made this?" I looked down and my eyes widened.

"You made all this?!"

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"You made all this?!"

"Yes it's for you."

"For me?!" I smiled at him.

"Yes, it's your birthday so I wanted-"

I shut him up by kissing him, neither of us not caring about my morning breath. "Thank you." I attached my lips to his once again. "So much." I whispered against his lips.

He ran his fingers through my hair, "Don't thank me. I will do anything for you Kim Taehyung." He whispered back, faces still close to each other as we got lost in each other's eyes.

I ran my finger under his chin, "Well we don't want the food to get cold now do we?" I giggled. He sighed, reluctantly putting me down.

"Is it good..?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows in amazement as he watched me stuff my face more and more pancakes. My lips and all around my mouth were sticky too, eh most likely syrup or butter.

Who knows.

"Yes, it's sooo delicious. A 1000/100! "

"I'm happy you like it." He smiled at me, "So is there anything that you want to do today?"

I bit my lip while I thought about it for a while, "No. I just want it to be you and me today. No distractions, no disturbance, nothing."

"Okay, we can do that." He nodded before grabbing a napkin and leaning over to me.

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