Chapter 33~Towel

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Thank you for 1k reads and thank you everyone that voted! You guys are my motivation💜💜!

Taehyung POV
After I hung up, I put my phone on the charger and went to take a shower. Jungkook was still half asleep on the couch from last night.

When Namjoon-hyung left abruptly with no explanation, Yoongi-hyung got up and left with him. It was strange and Jungkook wanted to say something to them but I stopped him, telling him to let them leave and that it might be important.

After they left, Jungkook and I decided to clean up and settle down on the couch to watch a horror movie.

I personally don't like horror movies but he insisted saying, "It's not that scary."

Ugh, liar!

I ended up getting too scared and unknowingly snuggled closer to Jungkook in fear from what I was watching. I heard Jungkook chuckle as he raise one of his arms up from under the covers and wrapped it around my shoulders, moving me closer to him.

Now I definitely felt butterflies this time. I looked up at his face and he looked back at me. We stared at each other for another second before turning to look back at the movie. My heart doing flips in my chest.

I don't remember anything else beside waking up from the couch with Jungkook's arm around my waist.

Omg Taehyung just turned on the water to the shower, stop thinking about last night! I snapped out of my thoughts and finally turned the water on.

After I got out of the shower, I realized that this time I didn't bring my clean clothes with me.

Not wanting to put my dirty clothes back on, I sighed wrapping my towel firmly around my waist before leaving the bathroom.

Jungkook POV
I reluctantly got up from the couch and felt the tip of my ears heat up from remembering last night.

Not wanting to blush more, I tried not to think about it but I just kept replaying in my mind. Why am I feeling like this? I heard a door opening and I-


His whole everything caught my attention, his still damped light brown curly hair that dripped down to his shoulders, his toned arms, slim stomach, and omg I didn't know Taehyung had such a small waist.

Omg Jungkook you are a pervert!

My eyes trailed up and down his body and the rest of my ears burned like hell. I looked up at his face and saw him staring back at me with red cheeks.

" should probably get in next.." He avoided eye contact with me.

I gulped, "Yeah..sure" I got up and ran into the bathroom, hearing Taehyung laugh.

After Taehyung and I got dressed we headed to our classes. He still walks me to class even after I told him I know my way there by now but I don't mind.

"I'm bored." Taehyung pouted.

I paused and stopped walking. "What do you mean? Am I boring?"

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