Chapter 25~Save me

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Taehyung POV
"Please stop!" I begged trying to get away from him.

"You always leave me! You never cared about me!"

"I did-"



I cried even harder, now terrified of the man that was once my best friend. I was on the floor, crawling, trying to get away from him but it felt like I was going nowhere because he kept coming closer and closer.

"Where are you trying to go Taehyung? Who's going to save you? Exactly! No one! They don't love you like I do! They don't care for you like I do! Don't you see what I'm trying to do for you? For us?" He smacked me in my face again, making my head hit the floor with a loud thud.

I heard banging and saw him throwing things all over the place, some of them even hitting me. I was shaking and crying, begging for someone to save me.

"Taehyung! Taehyung! Wake up!" I felt my body being shaken as I opened my eyes to see Jungkook looking down at me with concern and fear.

"Taehyung are-"

I didn't give him a chance to finish as I jolted up and felt my shirt stick to my body. I was shaking and couldn't stop crying.

Jungkook POV
I was sleeping peacefully until I heard yelling and crying from next door. I looked over to my alarm clock and it read 3:03 a.m.

I groaned and got up and went out of my room and stood in front of Taehyung's door. I knocked, "Taehyung! Are you okay? Hello?" I continued to hear yelling and crying so I turned the door knob and it opened.

What I saw scared me, Taehyung moving all over his bed with his eyes closed and tears down his face.

His body was sweaty as he kept yelling, begging for someone to stop. I slowly walked over to him and started to shake him awake.

He jolted and started shake and cry even harder. He looked up at me and latched on to me without hesitation.

I stumbled back from all the weight on me as he put his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist.

"Please don't let him hurt me." He said in a shaky voice.

I didn't know what to do so I took him out of his sweaty bed and put him in mine. I sat down on my bed, his body still attached to mine. His fists were clutching onto my shirt while he was shaking.

I rubbed his back in soothing circles and rubbed my hands through his damp hair, trying to calm him down.

After what felt like minutes, he calmed down and stopped crying now asleep on me.

My back started to hurt from sitting up on my bed so I carefully laid down carefully, trying not to wake him up. He was still shaking in his sleep a little so I held him close to me and pulled the covers on top of us. I sighed to myself, now trying to fall back asleep.

Of course not without rubbing his back one more time. How can someone hurt someone like Taehyung for him to have nightmares like this?

~The Next Morning
Taehyung POV
I shifted in my sleep, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. How did my bed become so hard?

I opened my eyes and my heart stopped. Why am I on top of...


Did we...?

No, we still have our clothes on. Oh thank god.

I then remember last night. My nightmare. This isn't my first time having nightmares about Kai but this one by far was the worse one. I slowly got up, removing his arms that rested on my back and climbed out of his bed.

I went into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror, not liking the reflection that stared back at me.

Luckily the mark on my face isn't visible like it was before. There is still a slight scar on there but to be able to see it clearly, you would have to get really close to my cheek.

To me that mark is a symbol of my weakness and I hate it. I sighed, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I have classes today and most likely Jungkook does too, it's Monday after all.

Monday is the best day of the week right? I rolled my eyes at that thought.

I walked past Jungkook's room and saw that he was still asleep, now hugging a pillow. I smiled to myself and walked in the kitchen to cook breakfast.

Jungkook POV
I woke up to the sweet smell of food, so I got up and saw Taehyung cooking breakfast. Remembering last night, I suddenly felt bad for him. He noticed my presence.

"Hey!" He tried to smile. "I'm sorry about last night."

I didn't say anything, only nodded. An awkward silence fell upon us. I decided not to ask about the dream because whatever he was dreaming about seemed to haunt him.

"Umm have a seat, breakfast is ready."

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