Chapter 32~I wasn't prepared for this!

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Hoseok POV
"Jinnie please stop screaming!" I begged him. But he continued cry harder and scream louder. He won't let me anywhere near him.

I offered him snacks, juice, music, even his pacifier but he didn't want any of that, only Namjoon.

"Your daddy is on his way, Jinnie. Please stop crying, it's okay." I spoke in a softer voice and tried going near him but he moved away from me still screaming on the couch.


Thank god, Namjoon finally burst through the door and instantly went over to Jinnie and picked him up. While holding Jinnie, he started to rock him in his arms, "What's wrong baby?"

"I had a bad dream daddy!"

"It's okay, daddy's right here. Daddy's not going anywhere." He whispered in Jinnie's ear while rubbing his back.

Namjoon looked up at me with a apologetic look, "Hoseok I'm-"

I didn't give him time to finish as I ran into my room and slammed the door.

I got back in my bed while still hearing Jinnie's cries but after about five minutes, I heard him stop. Now it was my turn to cry, I was still shaken up about what happened.

Imagine waking up from out of your sleep to hear screaming and crying coming from down the hall. Then when I try to comfort Jinnie I can't because he only wants his daddy. Does Namjoon know about these nightmares? And if so, why didn't he tell me? I wasn't prepared for this.

I was told that "it would be a good opportunity to get used to him." Now I feel like Jinnie doesn't want to be around me at all.

I sighed, running my hands through my sweaty hair and laid back down trying to fall asleep again.

Namjoon POV
After five minutes, Jinnie finally calmed down, only sniffling here and there. We were in my room cuddling and watching Gardfield.

Jinnie was laying on my chest with his fists tightly gripped onto my shirt. I rubbed his back again while whispering sweet things in his ear.

"I'm sorry Jinnie that daddy wasn't here." I said kissing the top of his head. He must have been terrified out of his mind to wake up from a bad dream and I'm not there.

This has happened a few times before but the last time he had a nightmare was months ago. However this is the first time it happened while he was in his littlespace. Jinnie sat up to look at me.

"Jinnie forgives daddy." he sniffled while wiping my tears. I kiss his pout, making him giggle but it sounded scratched up because of all the screaming he did.

"Daddy, m'throat hurts."

"Don't worry, daddy will give you some medicine in the morning." I ruffled his hair, giving him another kiss. My heart aching from seeing him like this.

"Can you go sleep for daddy?" He shook his head no.
"Jinnie too scared." I held him closer to me. "Don't worry beautiful, daddy will be right here."


I smiled, "I promise."

~The Next Morning
No One POV
Hoseok woke up from his alarm going off and sat up while stretching. He suddenly remembered last night and didn't want to leave his room but he didn't have a choice.

He called Jimin and asked him to come over so that they could leave together.

But the real reason he called Jimin is because he's afraid that he might go off on Namjoon, which is something that he definitely doesn't want to do at seven o'clock in the morning.

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