Chapter 37~Why won't you let me love you?

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Jimin POV
I walked in Taehyung's room and saw that he was watching tv. I closed the door which caught Taehyung's attention.

"Oh hey Jimin!" He smiled. I walked over to his bed before climbing in and cuddling up next to him. I have to admit, he has a very nice room.

"Your room is very beautiful." He smiled, "Thanks, Hobi-hyung helped me out with decorating it." I nodded.

"So how was your date with Jungkook?" He froze as he slowly turned his head to look at me with wide eyes. " you mean hyung?"

I laughed, "Come on Tae, you don't have to act surprised, Jungkook already told me." He sighed so I repeated my question, "So how was it?"

He blushed. "It was...magical and it was a night that I will never forget." He sighed while laying his head on his pillow.

" like him?"

"I...I don't know, honestly. He's so caring and he just makes me so happy that my heart races whenever I see him. Also whenever we talk my stomach's weird I can't describe it. And he's funny too, you know?"

"Yeah, I mean we used to be best friends." I laughed.

"Oh yeah! So how was Jungkook before he moved away?" I smiled, "He was...he was amazing. He was really caring and we used to do everything together and yeah he was funny. Very funny." I laughed.

Taehyung smiled. "Well I'm happy that you two can reunite." I smirked, "Me too."

After Taehyung turned his lamp off, we watched tv and cuddled together until we both fell asleep.

~The Next Morning
Taehyung POV
When I woke up I turned to see Jimin snoring in his sleep. I laughed silently and took out my phone to take pictures of him.

I got up slowly and quietly, trying not to wake him up. When I got up from my bed, I looked around for Tata but didn't see him.

I started panicking and almost turned my room upside down looking for him. Not wanting to wake up Jimin, I decided that I'll look for Tata later, of course not before turning the living room upside down too.

I sighed, feeling frustrated and upset. I put my arm over my eyes trying not to cry. I gave up and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I hope he's in Jungkook's room...

Jungkook POV
I jumped up from out of my bed because my phone was ringing. I reached over my nightstand and took my phone off the charger to answer it.


"Son! How are you?"


"Yes, it's me, son. I called because I haven't heard from you in a week, so how's it like being back?"

"It's good eomma."

"Did you find Jimin?"

I sighed, "Yes, I did. We were just talking yesterday."

"Good! I'm happy that you guys talked. You guys can now be together like before!"

"Yeah umm sure..."

"What's wrong Jungkook? Why do you sound like that?"

"Oh! Uhh, nothing, just tired."

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