Chapter 42~Thank you for being brave

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Taehyung POV
I was on the couch, discussing my plans with Jin-hyung about me telling the principal about Kai and making a police report against him when Yoongi-hyung walked in.

"Here, I'm never doing this again." He said handing me my bag full of clothes.

"Why did something happen?"

"Yes! Your boyfriend is crazy!"

I crossed my arms. "Jungkookie isn't my boyfriend."

"Aww, that was cute, he didn't even mention Jungkook and you assumed that he was talking about Jungkook. See, young love is so beautiful." Jin-hyung sighed dreamily, making me blush madly, realizing that I instantly thought of Jungkook when Yoongi-hyung said boyfriend.

After making a disgusted face at Jin-hyung, he continued. "Anyways when I was packing your clothes, he kept asking questions about you and I couldn't say much but he did see my message saying that you were okay. Then he asked if I liked you. Me? Min Yoongi. The one who doesn't like the sound or taste of romantic things!"

I tried to hold back my laughter when Jin-hyung said, "I'm sorry taste? What do romantic things taste like Yoongi?"

"Shh! That's not the point! I told him not to ask me questions like that because he will just be making a fool out of himself which he didn't seem to like. But soon after that he let me leave."

"I'm sorry Yoongi-hyung, he can be overprotective sometimes...." My hearting was racing knowing that Jungkook was really worried about my whereabouts.

He must really care about me...

"Hm, does he? Next time I'm not going, Jin-hyung is." He pointed at Jin-hyung.


"Guys, let's not say next time, there shouldn't be a next time right?" They both nodded their heads.

It was now time for everyone to go to sleep so Jin-hyung made the couch into a comfortable bed for me so that I can sleep on it, while Yoongi-hyung was already asleep in his room. You could hear him snoring from his room which made me and Jin-hyung laugh.

After finishing making up the couch, I laid in it and tried to get comfortable. "Is it comfortable enough for you? I could get more pillows-"

"No hyung, it's okay, I promise." I smiled, "Thank you." He leaned down and rubbed the top of my head, "You're welcome, now get some sleep. Goodnight Taehyung."

"Goodnight hyung."

After I saw Jin-hyung go into his room and close his door, I took out my phone and decided to go on instagram.

While looking at my past stories, I came across one video with me and Jimin at the dance studio. Jimin was trying to teach me some of his choreography which he made it seem easy but it wasn't.

I laughed at the video of me constantly messing up and Jimin putting his hands on his hips looking at me which made us both laugh in the video.

Tears began to form in my eyes, as I remember our fight on the roof today. I put my phone down on the table and wiped my tears away.

Tomorrow will be a better day Taehyung.

~The Next Morning
I was woken up by Yoongi shaking me and telling me to get up.

When that didn't work, he decided to pull the covers off of me, making me lose all the warmth from the blankets. I hissed and got up from the couch.

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