Chapter 52~Hoseok

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Yoongi POV
I woke up and didn't realize that I stayed in my room all night from when I ran from Hoseok. And I even went to sleep early which is strange.

Omg Hoseok! Is he still here?

The memories flowed in my head from yesterday as my heart started to race again.

He removed his hand from my arm and carefully moved my hair from in front of my eyes. We didn't say anything to each other as Hoseok carefully moved my hair from my eyes and tucked it behind my ear. I snapped back into reality and pulled away from him and ran into my room slamming the door.

End of Flashback

Oh god please make it stop. I got up from my bed and luckily that today is Saturday so basically I can be lazy all day. I walked over to my door but stopped as soon as I was about to open it.

Please no Hoseok.

I slowly opened my door and peeked my head out. I looked left then right and didn't see anyone. I slowly opened my door fully, trying not to make a sound as I tipped toed into the living room. Why is everything so clean?

A bang coming from the kitchen scared me but luckily I didn't scream. I tipped toed again into the kitchen and saw Jin-hyung with his pink apron on while making something.

The kitchen was also clean and I saw pots of food in the oven. "Jin-hyung?" He turned around and smiled when he saw me.

"Good afternoon Yoongi."


"Yeah. It's 1:00."


"Did you sleep well?"

No, I had a dream about Hoseok.

"Yeah, I slept well."

"Good. I wish you would have woken up earlier before Hoseok left. He seemed like he wanted to see you." I felt myself begin smile. He wanted to see me? I shook my head again.

Jin-hyung took notice of that. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." I walked over to the dining room table and sat down. "So what are you making?"

"Something for you. I already ate but I figured that before I go to work that I would make you something before I leave."

"Hyung, you know that I can cook right?"

"Yeah but not as good as me." He winked.

I rolled my eyes at him. Typical hyung.

I got up and peeked over Jin-hyung's wide shoulder and smiled. I backed away from him and jumped up and down.

"Yes, kimchi stew!"

I heard Jin-hyung laugh. He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and poured me some kimchi. I smiled joyfully like a happy kid as he placed the bowl in front of me.



"What's in the oven?"

He froze, "Umm, I'll tell you later. Just enjoy your food." 

I slowly nodded. Who is all that food for? Did Jin-hyung join a cooking club? He grabbed his keys, uniform and headed for the door. "Okay, I have to go. The food that's in the oven just Don't. Touch. It."

"Umm okay.."

He smiled, "Good! Bye Yoongi!" 

"Bye Jin-hyung...?" Why is he acting so strange? I ignored it for now and looked down at my bowl
before digging in.

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