Chapter 6~I'm sorry

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^Credits to whoever made this🙌

~After The Movies
Jungkook POV
Once the movie was over, I got up stretching from sitting too long but was dragged down by Jimin back to my seat.

"Ouch!" I hissed, rubbing my lower back. "What was that for?"

"Shh! We have to wait until after the credits." Jimin whispered.


"To see if there's gonna be another one. They just can't end the movie like that, there has to be more." Jimin said still very focused on the credits.


"Shh! See, look!" Jimin pointed to the big screen in front of us.

The credits finished rolling and the same characters we saw in the movie appeared on the screen. I looked over at Jimin and I could tell that he was squealing but managed to stay silent.

The preview for possibly the second movie was over and this time I got and stretched without being distrubed.

Jimin then got up and did the same. We walked out of the theater and threw our stuff in the trash.

"So it looks like they're making another one."

"They have too! And guess what? I'll be the first one to see it." Jimin smiled.

"And what would the second movie be called then? Before?"

Jimin started laughing. "No silly! It'll probably be After 2."

"Hmm, I like Before. Before sounds better."

"Shut up!" Jimin lightly smacked me on the chest.

Jimin and I walked out of the theater and were greeted with the fresh night of summer air.

"It feels nice out here." Jimin spread his arms out.

I nodded, enjoying the light breeze that passed by. I felt something rubbing against my arm and it was Jimin.

I thought nothing of it then felt him reach down and hold my hand. Not interlocking, but just lightly putting his hand into mine as we kept walking to my car.


"Yes..Kookie?" He whispered, looking up at me. I didn't know what to say afterwards.

What am I supposed to say?

Maybe he is just being friendly.


Yeah, definitely, this is what friends do, definitely.

My car was a few meters away so I decided not to say anything. When we finally reached the car and Jimin let go of my hand to get in the car. I found myself standing there, thinking about what just happened.

The words from my friend Namjoon echoing and echoing in my mind. The sound of a car door slamming knocked me out of my trance.

But if Jimin really likes me, then what do I do? I don't have the same feelings as him. I've always seen him as my older brother, my best friend but nothing more.

Oh this is bad...

Or maybe I'm overreacting.

I've seen friends hold each other's hands, nothing romantic. So maybe that applies here. Jimin was just being friendly.

I walked over to the driver side of my car and got inside. But something caught my attention. More like someone.

While in the car, I looked out the windshield view and saw a group of guys leaning against a black SUV, talking and messing around. But it was one of them especially....

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