Chapter 24~ Tattoos

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~The Next Day
Jungkook POV
"So how long have you been staying here?"

"Oh umm, for a couple of days."

"Are you new here too?"

"No, I just switch dorm rooms."

I nodded. "Was it your old roommate?"

I saw him tense up. "I rather not talk about that."


"No, no it's fine. It's just..."

"Taehyung, it's fine. I don't expect you to tell me everything, I mean we just met yesterday." I smiled.

Taehyung and I were decorating the living and moving stuff around. "Tell me something Jungkook." I hummed, my full attention on trying to make this picture straight on the wall.

"Why do you have so many tattoos?" I stopped what I was doing and looked down at my exposed arm.

Whoops, I forgot to cover that up. I rolled my sleeve down, "Sorry, I got them when I was in America. I've always seen people on TV with tattoos so I wanted to try them."

He put the box that he was carrying down and walked over to me. He lightly picked up my arm and then rolled up my sleeve, not all the way but enough so that he could see some of them.

"Don't hide them...they're beautiful." He said while staring at my tattoos.

I smiled and felt the tip of my ears heat up. "Thank you." I whispered.

He seemed to realize what he was doing so he put my arm down and cleared his throat, "We should finish." He then walked away to continue what he was doing. I sighed and picked up another box.

This is gonna be interesting.

Taehyung POV
OMG where did all this confidence come from?!

I can't believe I just did that!

After I walked away from him my cheeks burned like crazy. Taehyung, remember that this is your roommate. But everytime I think about it, it makes my heart go crazy. I mean I literally live with him!

Another half hour goes by and Jungkook and I plop down on the couch and finally finish with the living room. We were both out of breath and my back was killing me from all the lifting.

"We finally did it, high five." I lazily picked up my hand to high five him back. We sat for a few moments out of breath, well I did, he seemed to be fine after a minute.


I don't know.

I got up and said, "I'm gonna go take a shower, I hate being sweaty." He laughed at me before saying, "Have fun."

I got in the shower and turned the water all the way hot. My back was killing me, hopefully this shower helps.

Jungkook POV
I went into my room to change my clothes, I wasn't as sweaty as Taehyung so I decided to take a shower later. I took out my laptop and went online to look for some accessories to put in my room.

I heard the bathroom door open but didn't pay attention to it, until I heard groaning coming from Taehyung's room. The door was closed as I continued to hear groaning. I tried not to let my mind go to places it shouldn't.

What he was doing was his business not mine.

After 5 minutes, he came out of his room and walked into mine wearing a long hoodie and sweatpants. "You love sweatpants, don't you?" He picked up a pillow from my bed and threw it at me. "It's not my fault that they're too comfortable." He pouted.

His pout is really.. cute.

"Did something happen? I heard groaning."

"Oh! My back hurts, that's all."

"Do you need a massage?"

Seconds after I said that I bit my lip, regret saying those words, especially out loud. Why would I even ask that?

I don't even know how to give massages!

Taehyung laughed at my flustered state. And he really has a deep laugh. "No, no it's fine." Luckily I didn't fail to notice the faint blush on his cheeks.

"Okay." Later on the atmosphere grew silent between us as we both got comfortable on the couch to watch tv in the living room. It was quiet for a while until I heard my stomach growl.

The look on Taehyung's face didn't help either as I burst out laughing.

"Was that your stomach?! You have a monster in there!"

I didn't realize that I was halfway off the couch as I fell off. I heard Taehyung laugh even harder as I was now rolling on the floor.

We laughed so hard that my stomach started to hurt and growl at the same time while Taehyung's face was red.

Finally, we stopped laughing but only for a few seconds before we looked at each and started laughing again.

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