Chapter 66~Vmin

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Taehyung POV


Hoseok pulled me away from his neck and grabbed me by the shoulders. "Please don't cry! We're having a surprise party for you!"

Yoongi-hyung put his hand over Hobi-hyung's mouth but it was too late.

"A surprise party? For my birthday?" I smiled excitedly, wiping the tears off of my cheeks.

"Yes.." Yoongi-hyung nodded before giving Hoseok the death stare. I smiled even more if that was even possible. "So who's planning it?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Don't tell him Hoseok."

"Jungkook, Jin-hyung, Namjoon, Yoongi, and I."

"Damnit Hoseok!" Yoongi facepalmed himself.

"Is that why Jungkook has been going out?"

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi. "Go ahead and tell him, I don't care anymore, you can deal with Jungkook, not me. I'm gonna go check on the cake. Well your cake." He pointed at me.

"Thank you Yoongi-hyung!"

"Whatever." He muttered while walking away.

"To answer your question, yes that's why Jungkook has been going out. He made sure that Namjoon had all the stuff and that he had everything where he wanted it to be at Jin-hyung's cafe. He was also going out giving invitations to people that you know."

"So he's not cheating on me?"

Hobi scrunched up his face, "No he's not. He wants everything to be perfect for you."

I squealed, "I can't wait for tomorrow then!" I skipped towards the door happily.

"Wait!" Hoseok pulled my arm. "You can't let anyone know that you know about the surprise party."

"Don't worry I won't. I'm a terrific actor." I flipped my hair dramatically, hearing Yoongi scoff from the kitchen.

"Hater!" I yelled.

"Well when you get to your dorm. Do not tell Jungkook. He will kill me."

"Stop worrying Hyung. I'll probably just cuddle with him before going to sleep."

"Aww that's so cute. I want a relationship like that someday..."

I raised an eyebrow, never once hearing my brother talk like that before. "Well hopefully you can find someone that will give you all the cuddles you want. Just not Jungkook, he's mine." I smiled but deep down I was serious.

"Don't worry Taehyung. I've been over Jungkook a long time ago." He chuckled.

"Good. Thank you hyung for telling me!" I hugged him.

"You're welcome Taehyung, I can't keep secrets from you. You're my baby brother after all." We pulled away from each other.

"Bye Yoongi-hyung!" He walked out of the kitchen and gave a blank stare.

"Bye.." He murmured before going back into the kitchen. Hobi-hyung and I laughed at him.

Hoseok opened the door for me, we waved at each other before he closed the door. Once I was down the hallway, I squealed loudly, not being able to hold my excitement anymore.

"Surprise party, surprise party, surprise party! I'm gonna have a surprise party!" I chanted to myself quietly while walking down the hallway.

"I love you Jeon Jungkook!!"

I smacked my hand over my mouth, not believing I just said that...out loud. I didn't mean to say that right?

Or did I?

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