Chapter 44~I want you

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Jungkook POV
"No you cannot."

There behind Jimin stood Taehyung staring into Jimin's soul with his arms crossed.


"I said no you cannot. Which means that you can't enter my dorm."

Jimin looked at me, "But Jungkook wants me to stay right Jungkook?"


"No he doesn't. Right Jungkook?"

I looked at Taehyung, "Right."

Jimin's face turned red with anger.

"See he doesn't want you here and neither do I." Taehyung smiled as he walked past Jimin and into the dorm, making me back up so that he could enter.

"But it was nice of you for stopping by." Taehyung smiled and waved, "Bye Jimin." He closed the door.

After he closed the door, he leaned his head against it and sighed. He then turned to look at me. I smiled, "Tae..your back.."

He nodded but didn't say anything.

I cocked my head to the side and walked up to him, "What's wrong Tae? Why won't you talk."

He smiled at me before giving me the thumbs up. He then turned and went into his room.

Taehyung POV
I turned from Jungkook and walked into my room to unpack my bag. After I left Yoongi-hyungs dorm, I decided that I don't want to tell Jungkook about everything just yet and that I'll tell him tomorrow when Kai gets arrested so that things are finally over with Kai.

I'm not talking to him because I am terrible at keeping things from people so not talking to him is the best thing. It should be easy right?

"Taehyung, please talk to me. I was worried about you."

Okay maybe not so easy.

I turned to look at Jungkook and he genuinely looked concerned. "I'm sorry.." I whispered.

He walked up to me but I refused to look at him in the face. I felt a slender finger under my chin and felt my head being titled up to look at him. We were so close to each other that he was inches away from my face.

"Taehyung, what happened to you?" He whispered.

"I..I can't, I'm sorry." I said moving away from him.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I whispered not looking at him. I hurrdily grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom so that Jungkook wouldn't try to stop me.

Jungkook POV
I sighed loudly, running my hands through my hair while still in Taehyung's room.

Yoongi said that Taehyung will tell me what happened but he won't tell me. I walked out of Taehyung's room and into the living room and saw Cooky and Tata on the couch where I left them last night because I had cuddled with them.

Then an idea suddenly came into my mind. I smirked, "Taehyung will definitely talk to me after this."

Taehyung POV (Sorry about the constant change in POV😭)
Before coming out of the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror.

Wow, I haven't done this in a long time.

I thought to myself as I stared at my reflection. My hair was down past my shoulders a little and the color in my hair was starting to fade. Maybe I should change the color but to what though?

I started thinking of the colors I had before and colors I didn't have. It wouldn't come to me while in the bathroom so I put on my clothes and put my wet hair in a ponytail.

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