Chapter 23~Nice to meet you

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Taehyung POV
"Hello my name is Jungkook. It's nice to meet you."


"Hello? Are you okay?" He said waving his hands in front of my face, snapping me from out of my trance.

"Oh! Uhh come in! M-My name is Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook laughed. OH MY GOD he laughed! And he has the cutest bunny smile ever. "It's nice to meet you, Kim Taehyung." He said, extending his arm out.

Omg I love how he said my name..

Stop it Taehyung!

Just shake his hand. I slowly moved my hand to meet his as we shook hands. Wow, his hands are really soft. Stop it! That's creepy Taehyung!

"Thank you! I get that a lot believe or not." He smiled.


"You said that my hands are soft, so I said thank you." Jungkook smiled again.

I blushed. Oh no I didn't mean to say that out loud. "Sorry."


"I don't even know umm, let me show you around."

I showed him the living room and how it's not fully done yet, kitchen, bathroom, and where his room is.

"Is that one your room?"

"Yeah, it's not quite finished, I just moved into this dorm."

He cocked his head to the side. Omg he is too cute. "It can't be that bad, let me see." I paused. "Uhh sure..."

I opened the door to my room and he instantly said "Wow." He walked inside and-

Omg I forgot to make my bed!

As he was distracted by how many plushies I had, I took the opportunity to make up my bed. "Wow, you have so many plushies. I love it."

I blushed once again. "Thank you. Here umm let me help you with your things."

"No, no it's okay. I got it, don't worry."  He smiled.

Jungkook POV
When I arrived at my new school I was greeted by the nice lady at the front desk. She smiled at me and asked me for my name.

I told her my name her face lit up and she told me the number of my dorm room and the direction it's in. I did get lost a few times because I kept turning down the wrong hallway. But finally I made it.

I checked to see if it was right dorm before I knocked on the door and was met with a very attractive roommate.

He was tall but not as tall as me, probably a few inches shorter. He had soft light brown curly hair, wore sweatpants and a T-shirt.

How can someone wear sweatpants and a T-shirt and still look fine?

Trying not to be rude, I introduced myself, "Hello, My name is Jungkook. It's nice to meet you."

He seemed a little out of it at first so I waved my hand in front of him and he seemed to snap out of it.

He stuttered when he told me his name which made me laugh and smile. I actually find him quite adorable and he had the perfect deep voice.

I told that it was nice to meet him and extended my hand out to him. He said that my hands were soft, which surprisingly I get that a lot.

I thanked him which caught him by surprise. I guess he didn't mean to say that, cute. He apologized and went on to show me the rest of the dorm.

He said that he just moved here too which sparked my curiosity but I didn't question it. I wanted him to show me my room and it was beautiful and looked so cozy. And all of his plushies, I love plushies, maybe I'll steal one, one day...

He tried to help me with my stuff but I told that I got it. I took my stuff and went into my room. It was the same size as Taehyung's and so plain, ew. I definitely have to decorate this.

I wonder if anyone I know goes here. Mostly likely Yoongi goes here, this is Bangtan University of Arts after all. And if he goes here then...

I gasped. Maybe Namjoon-hyung is here too! But I'll look for them later, I need to settle down here first.

Wait...what if Hoseok...or even Jimin is here too?

I hope not, yeah Jimin was my best friend but after the letter Hoseok gave me. I don't know how to face them, especially Jimin. And maybe he moved on and got another best friend too, that thought made me feel sad.

After settling my stuff down on my bed, I started to unpack my things. Wow this is gonna take a while...

I hope this year goes smoothly with no drama.

And Jungkook is back! Yay or....Nay? What will happen next?👀

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