Chapter 59~Because I like him!

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Taehyung POV
I was woken by Yoongi-hyung that detention was over.

Wow I really slept all of detention?

Eh it was a good nap anyway. Maybe I should get detention more often. I sat up and stretched while yawning.

I heard laughing and saw Yoongi-hyung laughing at me.


"You have a mark on your face from the desk." He pointed to the side of my face.

I whined and got up to grab my book bag and my phone from the professor's desk. While I was grabbing my phone, I looked up to see Jimin looking at me with a sadly like he wanted to say something. I didn't say anything to him and walked past him out of the classroom. I then texted Jungkook:

-I wish you could come carry me to the dorm🥺

My love🤍😍:
-Where are you? I'll come carry you

-I was playing Jungkookie😂

My love🤍😍:
-You don't sound like it, don't forget that I like carrying you

-But I'm heavy..

My love🤍😍:
-Not to me. Where are you?

-Don't worry about it Jungkookie. I'll be there soon😘

My love🤍😍:
-Don't make me have to track you down Taehyung because I will

-Yeah, yeah

I closed my phone and started my walk to the dorm. Well this might take a while.

What felt like 3 hours later...

"Finally!" I raised my hands in the air and shouted as soon as I walked through the door. I threw my bag somewhere and took my shoes off.

"Jungkookie I'm home! Now give me cuddles!" I stomped looking around for Jungkook.

"I'm on the couch."

I turned around. "Oh!" I smiled and ran over to him and jumped on him. He moaned in pain from me jumping on him but he'll live.

"Did you miss me?" I kissed his nose.

"Yes, I did. So how was it?"

"I was asleep the whole time but Yoongi-hyung woke me up and umm..." I looked away. Jungkook ran his finger across my cheek. "What happened Taetae?"

"Jimin was there too."

He looked surprised, "Jimin? Detention? Jimin hardly got detention in school. He was kinda like a teacher's pet, believe it or not."

"Well clearly that changed."

"So do you think they talked?"

"Jimin and Yoongi?"

Jungkook nodded his head.

I shrugged, "What would they even talk about?"

"I don't know, something. Do you think they sat there in silence the whole time?"

"Maybe, I know Yoongi-hyung." I got comfortable on his chest. "You promised me cuddles." I pouted.

"Did I..?"

"Yes!" I pulled his arms so that they could wrap around me. "Now own up to your promise!"


Yoongi POV


"Where are you?"

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