Chapter 55~Stay away from me!

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Hoseok POV
I was in my room watching tv with my door open. I finished my studying and basically layed like a star on my bed from exhaustion.

I heard a door open and looked in the direction of my doorway. My room is the closest to the bathroom so sometimes when Namjoon goes in the bathroom, he has to pass my room to get to his room.

So when I saw Min Yoongi in nothing but a robe walk past my door, my heart skipped a beat. My mind started to wander to places...places that I haven't been to in awhile.

He saw me and his eyes widened as he sped past my room. I smirked to myself imagining how flustered he would look. And that robe hugging his body...

Stop it Hoseok!

I shook my head and tried my best to pay attention to my tv but I couldn't. The image of Min Yoongi in a robe stayed imprinted in my mind. Omg I feel like a perv.

I heard my phone ringing and saw that Jin-hyung was trying to FaceTime me.

I answered, "Hyung..?"

"Hoseok I don't have a lot of time, I need your help!"

"What happened?" I sat up and started to grow worried.

Jin-hyung put his phone down somewhere but also struggled to keep it in place. Don't laugh Hoseok, something serious must have happened.

"Jin-hyung what's wrong?"

"Okay look!" He showed me his outfit. "Do I look okay?" He spun around.

I laughed, "Hyung you look fine."

"Are you sure?! It's been awhile since Namjoon and I went on a date, I have to look perfect! Does my butt look okay? Is it flat?" He turned around, showing his butt.

"Your butt is fine, hyung."

"You sure? I tried to pick the best pants that would show it out the most."

I raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Looks like someone is trying to get something from someone tonight."

His ears turn red. "Maybe I am... It's been awhile since we had-"

"Okay! Okay! I don't need to know more!"

He rolled his eyes and fixed his jacket. "Okay so are you sure that I look good?" He moved some his hair out of his face. "Hyung, don't worry. You look beautiful Namjoon will fall in love with you all over again when he sees you."

He blushed, "Thank you Hoseok. So how are you and Yoongi doing over there?"

I creped up from my bed and looked out in the hallway. "He's in Namjoon's room with the door closed. And he won't talk to me" I whispered before walking back into my room.

Aw, well you know Yoongi likes to have his privacy and you know that he has his little mood sometimes so don't worry."

"I know hyung."

"Jin-hyung!" I heard Namjoon yell from the other end.

"Okay, I have to go bye!" He blew a kiss.

I rolled my eyes. "Have fun on your date hyung." He hung up.

Gee come to think about it, it's been years since I've been on a date with someone.

It started to get late outside and I heard my stomach growl. Well Yoongi hasn't left the room yet so he's probably hungry.

I got up from my bed and walked over to Namjoon's door. I raised my hand to knock on the door but stopped. I felt my confidence all of a sudden vanish.

Why am I hesitating?

I softly knocked on the door.

No answer.

I knocked again softly, this time calling out Yoongi's name.

Still no answer.

Okay maybe he can't hear me. I started to knock louder on the door. "Yoongi! Are you sleep?"

Again no answer.

Is he even in there?

I started to bang on the door but soon stopped after I heard him get up from somewhere aggressively and open the door.

"What do you want?" His voice was deep and he spoke low, staring directly at me.

"I-I umm..." I was lost for words because of his all of sudden deep voice and how he was looking at me. His eyes were dark just like his expression, I started to grow extremely nervous.

"If this is about earlier listen-"

"No! It's not, I swear! I just...Are you hungry?" I scratched the back of my neck.

He crossed his arms. "No."

He started to close the door again but I put my foot in front of the door.

"Wait! Are you sure? Because I was thinking of ordering pizza if that's okay with you? In case you get hungry later."

"I don't care what you order Hoseok." He tried to close the door but I wouldn't let him.



"Are you okay?"


"What do you mean why? I care about you and just want to know if you're okay. You seem upset."

"I'm not. Now can you leave?" I was taken back by his words. He still looked at me coldly. Who knows where I got the confidence from but I replied with, "Why?"

"I just want you to leave me alone."

"But I didn't do anything to you. You barely said anything to me."

He said something under his breath but I couldn't understand what. "And?"

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Acting like what?"

"This!" I tried to copy his stare trying to look ridiculous to lighten up the mood. But he still looked unfazed. "You seem all cold like something happened."

He crossed his arms. "Well nothing happened, just go back to your room Hoseok." He tried to close the door. This time I put my hand on the door, preventing him from closing it. I wish I didn't do that because he got very upset.

He pushed me away from the door and my back hit the wall making me groan. I didn't know he was so strong.

"Stay away from me! Why can't you just understand that?! Just leave me alone and don't talk to me! I don't want you near me!" He slammed the door.

I was shocked. I stayed in the same position from where he pushed me. My back and chest are now starting to hurt.

Did I go too far?

I walked back to my room and slammed the door.

I slowly sat on my bed, thinking about what just happened. I rubbed my hand over my chest and slightly hissed.

Yoongi's words echoing in my mind over and over making me feel bad. I sat on the edge of my bed staring at the floor for who knows how long before crawling back into bed and pulling the covers over me, thinking about no other than Min Yoongi.

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