Chapter 63~Purple

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Jungkook POV
"Okay everyone listen up!" I stood in front of everyone with my clipboard hanging behind me.

"Why are we here again?" I heard Yoongi whine. "I want to go back to sleep."

"You can. After this meeting." I smiled.

"You never told us the reason why we are having a meeting." Hoseok leaned back on the couch, trying to get comfortable next to Yoongi. Namjoon was looking down at his phone not paying attention to anything.

I groaned, "You guys we're here for Taehyung of course! His birthday is next week, remember? So I want to do something special for him."

"And that somehow involves us because...OW!" I threw a Yoongi-hyung's face pillow at his face.

"Can you be nice for once?" I crossed my arms. He stared at me with that bored expression that he gives everyone, "I'm leaving." He got up from off the couch and started to make his way to the door.

But a firm hand wrapped around his wrist prevented him from doing so. "Stay." Hoseok raised his head to look at Yoongi while still sitting on the couch, "Sit down back down." Hoseok pleaded, patting down the empty space next to him.

Yoongi stared at him, not saying anything. "Please, I miss your body heat." Hoseok smiled. Yoongi snatched his arm away from Hoseok and reluctantly sat back down on the couch making Hoseok cuddle up next to him.

I clapped my hands together, "Good. Now that I have everyone's attention-Namjoon-hyung!"

He looked up away from his phone, "Huh?"

"Did you hear what I said?"

He paused, "You said something?"

I groaned loudly, "You guys don't listen!" I walked over to Namjoon and snatched his phone away. "Hey!" I looked down at his phone and he was texting Jin-hyung.

"Hey, don't read any of my messages!"

"Calm down, I won't. Plus I don't want to know if you guys send nudes to each other." I rolled my eyes, texting Jin-hyung saying:

~Hi Hyung!! This is Jungkook, your favorite! Namjoon is gonna be busy for a while but don't worry, it's about the plan for Taehyung's party.

I put Namjoon's phone down. "You guys send nudes to each other? Wow Namjoon, I didn't know you were like that." Yoongi smirked.

"We do not! Plus we don't have to anyways..." He looked away.

My mouth formed an "O" shape, Ew gross, gross, gross, don't imagine anything you don't want to Jungkook!

"Gross." Yoongi made a disgusted face. Meanwhile Hoseok sat there thinking about something. "Is there anyone here that is not a virgin? Because we know Namjoon isn't." He looked over at Yoongi, "Are you a virgin?" Yoongi put a finger on his lips. "That's not for you to know." He smirked.

Hoseok looked away, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. Do they have something going on? I'll have to ask Namjoon. Wait, remember the plan Jungkook, stop getting off topic!

"You guys!" I clapped my hands together. They looked up at me. "Now." I glanced at my clipboard before showing it to them with a smile. "We're gonna be planning Taehyung's birthday party!"

"We are?" Namjoon questioned and looked around the room.

"Yes! Yes we are! Now I have everything planned out, Jin-hyung is on board with this too. Now everyone has their own job." They nodded and leaned forward. "Now Yoongi." I tapped my pen on the clipboard, trying to find his name. I heard you're good at baking so your incharge of the cake. Can you make it happen?"

He sucked in a breath, "You see..I haven't baked in a long time-"

"He would love to help you!" Hoseok finished for him. The look on Yoongi's face screamed murder as he stared into Hoseok's soul. Poor Hobi.

"Good!" I clapped my hands together. "Now Hoseok, I know that you're good at styling things so I put you in charge of decorating. And Namjoon-hyung..."

"Ooo please give me something good." He smiled at me.

"You're gonna be helping Hoseok by getting the materials for the party." He pouted. "I talked to Jin-hyung last week and he said that his boss will allow him to have the cafe only open for us on the 30th so it will be perfect!" I smiled.

"And what will you be doing Jungkook?" I placed my clipboard down on the ottoman. "My job is making sure that everything is perfect and I'll be creating the invite list and giving it out to people. Also helping Hoseok decorate the place. Actually...Namjoon you can also help with that too, just don't break anything. Oh! And of course making sure Taehyung doesn't find out. Just like the rest of you. You cannot, I repeat cannot let Taehyung find out about this. It's a surprise party okay?"

"Why are you looking at me?" Hoseok crossed his arms.

"No reason." I shrugged.

Namjoon raised his hand, "Have you talked to Jimin, shouldn't he know about this too? Or are they not friends anymore?"

I looked down, "I don't know when was the last time Taehyung and Jimin talked. I haven't talked to Jimin in months, have any of you talked to Jimin?"

Everyone shook their heads no.

"See." I shrugged. "But I'll talk to Taehyung to see if know, talked to him recently. It's sad to watch their friendship potentially fall apart." I then thought about me and Jimin. I miss my best friend.

I looked over at Hoseok and he looked down, playing with the hem of the blanket. I forgot that he and Jimin were very close too, if not closer than Jimin and Taehyung.

Yoongi took notice of Hoseok's sadness and gently placed his hand over Hoseok's, only to quickly withdraw his hand back when Hoseok looked at him.

Okay I don't have time for their romantic game!

"So." I clapped my hands together. "That's all everyone!" I smiled.

Hoseok got up and stretched. "Wait, you never told us the theme, Jungkook."

"I didn't?"

"No you didn't."

"Oh! Well the theme is..." I looked up and down my clipboard. "Purple!"


"Yes, Taehyung loves purple. So Namjoon, get purple balloons, purple table covers, party hats, just everything purple. I'll get the party banner. I got it custom made somewhere."

He nodded, "Okay, now can I have my phone back?"

"Right, sorry." I gave Namjoon his phone back.

"Great, now I have seven messages from Jin-hyung." He sarcastically smiled while waving his phone in the air before making his way to the door.

"Remember! Do not tell Taehyung!" I shouted.

"Yeah, yeah." Namjoon opened the door. "Oh, hi Taehyung!"

Everyone froze and turned around to see Taehyung staring at everyone suspiciously. He didn't hear anything right..?

I immediately ran into my room to put my clipboard in my closet. Taehyung would never find this. The FBI wouldn't even be able to find this. I put the clipboard over a bunch of clothes with a box added on top and and then more clothes before closing my closet shut.

I walked back in the living room to see everyone gone except for Taehyung, who was standing there with his arms crossed. "Taetae!" I hugged him before kissing him.

"Wow, was I really gone for that long?" He rested his arms around my neck.

I pecked him on the lips, "Maybe. Every second that you're not here with me, feels like an eternity."

He smacked me across the chest, a red blush visible on his cheeks. "You're so cheesy." He smiled at me before kissing me on the lips.

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