Chapter 46~You're gonna lose me too

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Hoseok POV
I smiled and waved at my brother and Jungkook before leaving. As soon as I closed the door, my facial expression changed and I've never been so pissed at Jimin before.

It wasn't his business to tell Taehyung about me and Jungkook's past relationship, now what if Taehyung had a different reaction and would be upset at me and Jungkook. I knew that one day he was going to find out but that decision wasn't up to Jimin.

I pulled out my phone and called Jimin. "Hey hyung! How are you?"

"Hey Chim, are you busy? We need to talk."

He paused before answering. "Yeah, I'm not busy. I'm at my dorm just studying."

"Okay. I'm on my way." I hung up the phone and headed to Jimin's dorm.

After five minutes, I found Jimin's dorm and knocked on it. I waited for quite some time before Jimin opened the door and-omg...

His hair was a mess and tangly, he wore baggy clothes, and he had bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted.

"Hoseok! Come in!" He moved out of the way and my eyes widened in his living room.

Blankets everywhere, along with some of Jimin's plushies, and a tissue box with some used tissues all over the place. On the tv was Coraline the movie.

"So what did you need to talk about Hoseok-hyung?"

I turned around to look at him. How did I do this? What should I say first? I don't want to just start accusing and yelling, I mean he looks horrible and sad and I know that he is suffering because Jungkook doesn't want him.

"Jimin...I came here to talk to you about you and Jungkook.."

"What about me and Jungkook?"

I walked up to him. "I know that you're suffering..." I hugged him. He was taken back from my hug but eventually hugged me back.

Soon after he started to cry, I held him as he cried and rubbed his back. "I-I j-just w-want h-him to l-love me!" Jimin cried.

I sighed, " have to move on from him."

He pulled away from me, "What are you talking about?"

"You have to move on from Jungkook."


"Because he likes-"

"I know! I know.." He sniffled. "But it's only for now. I just have to get rid of Taehyung and then Jungkook will want me."

I looked at him, not believing what I heard. "What did you say?"

Jimin looked away. "He likes Taehyung. So if he likes Taehyung, then Taehyung is the problem and I just need him to go away so that I can have Jungkook."

I started laughing at him, trying my best not to get upset but I couldn't help it, "You're crazy. Do you know who you're talking to? I'm his brother! Taehyung has been through enough already this year and for you to try and get rid of Taehyung is... That's your best friend! You should want to see your best friend happy-"

"What about my happiness?! Huh! Where's my happiness?" Jimin pointed at himself as he yelled.

"Everyone around me is just so happy with themselves and their lives that they already got what they wanted. But what do I get? Nothing! Why do I have to suffer?!" Jimin was in tears at this point.

"Jimin, you don't have to suffer anymore! You can be happy! You have to stop living in denial. You have to face reality. The reality is that Jungkook doesn't want you. It's not worth going after someone when you know that they will never be with you! I'm sorry that I have to tell this to you like this but Jimin, it's not worth hurting yourself and making yourself miserable! It's turning you negative! Taehyung isn't the problem here-"

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