Chapter 14~Stay Gold

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Jungkook POV
After dinner, I was sent upstairs to finish packing my bag and any other nesaccries that I didn't pack the previous night.

After packing the rest of my clothes, I resorted to packing anything else that I needed.

In a separate box, I put in my microphone, boxing gloves, my favorite plushies, and all of my pictures that were hung around my room. One picture caught my attention in particular. I reached down to pick up the picture that was faced down on my bed.

~2010 Minnie and Kookie Middle School Graduation~

I picked the picture up and flipped it around to see Jimin and I holding our graduation certificates and smiling in our little suits.

Tears formed in my eyes and landed on the picture in my hands. I carefully laid the picture on top of everything inside of the box. I sat down on my bed and started to cry.

I'm gonna miss Jimin and Namjoon. My home country. My house that I grew up in all my life. I'm being forced to move to another country to take over a company that I don't even want to take over.

When I reach America I will be alone, I will have to make new friends, meet new people, and be forced out of my comfort zone.

If only I was brave enough to stand up against my father but who knows what he will do to me if I went against him.

I have to do this for the family right? I have to make them look good and make them please right?

But what about me? I don't know what I want to do in the future yet. A part of me wants to be a boxer and the other wants to be a singer.

I haven't told my parents this but I know that they never approve of this. They want me to be married and adopt children.

But I don't know if I want to get married or even adopt children.

I'm only 18!

My parents just think that I would be automatically okay with this and never once offered to ask my opinion. I guess I don't have one. I never had one in the first place anyways.

Hoseok POV
Loud knocking scared me while I was vacuuming my room. I thought that maybe if I ignore it then they will go away so I continued vacuuming.


I groaned and turned the vacuum off, wanting to finish cleaning my room. I walked down stairs wonder who could it be.

It couldn't have been my parents. They went out to dinner and they have a key. The knocking continued and started to get aggressive.

"I'm coming! I'm coming, hold on!"

I jogged the rest of the way to the door and opened it to a face I didn't expect to see.


He stood there staring at me with a unreadable expression.

"I know I told you to stay away from Jungkook but I have a request that I need you to do for me."

Back to Jungkook POV
"Jungkook! We're leaving in an hour, so you better be ready!" I heard my dad shout from downstairs. I rolled my eyes in frustration, trying not to cry again.

I really don't want to leave. I told Jimin that I would come back but I don't know for sure if I will come back. I heard knocking downstairs and heard conversation before my eomma shouted,

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