Chapter 61~Park

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Namjoon POV


"Can we go out?"

I stopped watching the dishes and looked down to see Jinnie playing with his toys on the kitchen floor.

I sighed, "Jinnie, I told you before that you can't play with your toys on the kitchen floor, it's dangerous." I stopped washing the dishes and picked him up along with his toys and sat him down carefully on the living room rug.

"Daddy can we go out?" He said completely ignoring everything I just said and did.

"Out to where Jinnie?"


I tightly pressed my lips together. "I don't know Jinnie..."

"But daddy!" He whined and tugged on the bottom of my shirt. "Other little's go to park! But why not Jinnie?" Tears started to form in his eyes.

"Shh, don't cry beautiful. I just want to make sure that my Jinnie is okay and safe." I crouched down to his level and kissed his pout. Come to think of it, the only places Jinnie has been to was my dorm.

Jinnie never asked to go out before, he likes to stay at places where he is most comfortable. But sometimes on YouTube, he sees videos of other littles going out to malls, parks, the movies, etc. Which would of course make Jinnie want to do those things to.

I would love to take Jinnie out to places, I'm scared that people are going to judge him and scare Jinnie into never coming outside again.

"Pwease daddy... Can we pwease go to park? Jinnie can be good boy!" He pouted again, tucking on my arm.

I sighed in defeat knowing that until I said yes, he would never stop asking me. "Yes, we can go to the park."

He gasped, "Yay! I have to dress!" He got up and ran into my room. I shook my head and got up to chase him. "Wait for daddy!"

"Toys....check. Pacifiers...check. Snacks....check-"



Jinnie was standing in front of me with his arms crossed, wearing his adorable outfit. He wore his jean jumper with his favorite tide dye light pink and blue shirt. "Can we go?" He whined.

"In a minute Jinnie, we have to wait for Hoseok. I mean Hope."

"Hmph!" He stomped his foot and walked away. Meanwhile I kept checking to see if I had everything I needed for Jinnie, god forbid I forget something important and Jinnie starts having a crisis.

"Daddy! I want to go park!" He pulled my arm, trying to make me walk towards the door.

"Jinnie I said wait a minute. We have to wait for Hoseok." I whined.

"I don't want to wait for Hope! I want to go to park now!" He yelled at me as he stomped his foot.

I sternly looked at him, "Hmm maybe we won't go anymore if you keep acting like this Jinnie. You told daddy that you were going to be a good boy." I crossed my arms.

There are times when I have to deal with Jinnie's tantrums and bratty attitude and I hate having to put him in timeout and punishing him but if I don't it will only get worse.

I came across a website one day on how to punish littles. Majority of them said timeout, no tv, no desert, and even one said spanking. I never tried that and now that I think about it, I don't want to.

Jin-hyung and I did talk about punishments and he told me that he was okay with spanking. Especially seeing Jinnie's pouty and upset face makes me want to kiss him and cuddle him up.

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