Chapter 11~He's mine

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Jimin POV
After school, Hobi-hyung and I stopped at the cafe where I promised Hobi-hyung food. They didn't have sprite at the cafe so Hobi-hyung literally dragged me to the gas station to get him some sprite.

We almost got hit by a car btw!

So after almost dying, which Hobi-hyung didn't seem to mind, we went to his house to do our homework together. 

Even though Hobi-hyung is a loud person, when he's focused on something, he's really focused on something. You could throw a basketball at him and it would take him a couple of seconds to come back to reality.

"So where's your parents?"

"My appa doesn't get home until about 12 but my eomma  should be home soon. I don't know when." Hobi said, eyes glued to paper in front of him.

I nodded, my hand starting to hurt from writing so much. Luckily, this is my last project of the year, but it's also the longest.

Eh I could also finish it tomorrow...that's if I feel like it.

I looked back up at Hoseok, his tongue was slightly sticking out the corner of his mouth. His pencil moving ferociously on the paper. I wish I didn't have writer's block.

I sighed, putting my pencil down on the bed and cracked my knuckles.

"So how's your brother?"

"He's okay so far, just stressed about school you know?"

"I figured, his school is advanced right?"

"Yeah." He sighed running his hands through his light pink hair, "I just worry a lot about him, I mean I know his friends and their good people but I just want to be there with him all the time. I hate being apart from him."

"I understand but he comes back every weekend right?"

He smiled brightly. "Yeah, he will be back this saturday. I can't wait."

"...Speaking of being apart from people." Hoseok put his pencil down and was looking right at me.

Okay now I'm starting to feel nervous.

"How are you and Jungkook?" I looked away, "We're fine, why?" I pretended to write something serious down on my paper. But in reality I was writing a bunch of scribbles and circles.

I heard him sigh, "No Jimin, y'all aren't. You were ignoring him all day."

I crossed my arms, "I had a reason."

"And that reason was..?"

I scoffed, "I uh. I had to umm. Because I..."

"Jimin. You and Jungkook have been best friends for a long time and he's leaving soon. So don't waste time ignoring him and dwelling on the fact that he's leaving, instead use the time that you guys left together. Spend time with each other and make good memories while you still can. And maybe..Maybe you should confess to him."

My eyes widened. "Y-you know? While you still uhh can." He smiled.

But this time his smile was different. It was still his brightly boxy-shaped smile but it was off.. I can't describe it. Like it was another meaning behind his smile. A sad meaning.

I shook my head, shaking those thoughts away.

Maybe I'm thinking too much into it. It's just one of his normal smiles right? A typical Hobi smile...

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