Chapter 28~Am i a freak?

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Namjoon POV
After Taehyung showed me a picture of him and my ex, body felt weak and I felt sick.

I remember going back to Yoongi's dorm, which was the closest dorm from Taehyung's and throwing up all night. Yoongi had to call my boyfriend from work. He came back from work and helped Yoongi take care of me.

I told Jin-hyung about my ex which made his blood boil. After that I decided to go back to my dorm and stay there for a week to attend my classes from online.

Today is my last day at my dorm and Jin-hyung was here with me.

"How are you holding up Namjoon-ah?" I sighed.

"I'm better....physically."

"I'm sorry Namjoon. Yoongi and I will make sure that he will never go near you again." He hugged me.

I'm lucky to have an amazing boyfriend like Jin-hyung. After he hugged me, he raised his hand to move my messy hair out of my face and kissed me on the lips.

Our little make out session was interrupted when we heard Yoongi bust through the door.

"Namjoon you won't believe- Omg gross!" He yelled and covered his eyes.

Jin-hyung rolled eyes and kissed me one more time. Yoongi fake gagged. "Anyways, Namjoon I found out something at lunch." He said walking over to the couch and sitting across from me and Jin-hyung.


"Jungkook's back and I think..."

"You think what?"

"I think he's Taehyung's roommate."

I paused and started to laugh. "Jungkook? The one from high school? Yeah right."

"No Namjoon, listen! I saw him, Taehyung saw him!"

"Hey, stob yelling at my boyfriend!"

Yoongi stared at Jin-hyung before saying, "You're the one to talk."

"Yah! You brat!" Jin-hyung grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "Guys stop it! Anyways, Yoongi, what are you talking about? Where did you see him?"

"The cafeteria. Taehyung was staring at him and I think he waved Jungkook over to the table. But Jungkook didn't even move an inch. When he saw me we made eye contact and then he ran."

I sighed and rubbed my temple's. "Was Hoseok and Jimin there?"

"Yeah but they didn't notice him."

"Damn, I guess when he saw Jimin and Hoseok there, he couldn't face them."

"Well duh."

Jin-hyung threw another pillow at Yoongi. "If you throw another pillow at me-"

"Will you two stop it! Gosh, you guys act like children sometimes." I laughed but then stopped once Jin-hyung gave me a look.

"So what are y'all going to do?" Jin-hyung looked at us. Me and Yoongi looked at each other and I smirked.

Yoongi seemed to read my mind because he said no. "But why not Hyung?" I whined.

"Because we don't know for sure if he is Taehyung's roommate and if we go in there and check, it would be awkward. And Taehyung would bother me."

I gave him a look, "But please Hyung? We have to be sure. Please Hyung?" I pouted. Yoongi looked at me and sighed in frustration.

"Ugh! Fine, fine, just stop!"

I smiled. "Can we do it tonight?"


I pouted again and heard him sigh. "Fine...we can do it tonight."


"Yeah, yeah. Just text me. I'm going to go take a nap."

"Thank you hyung!!" I heard him hum before got up and left. I heard Jin-hyung laugh, "I hope just one day he won't be grumpy for once."

I sighed while smiling, snuggling closer to Jin-hyung. "Are you going to be okay tomorrow?" He kissed me on my forehead.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I haven't seen him at all while being here, so even if I know that he's here, It won't make a difference."

"I hope so. I just want my baby to feel safe." He wrapped his arms around me.

"I actually have to tell you something."

"What is it?" I sat up straight to look him in his face.

"Umm, Hoseok...umm knows."

He raised his eyebrows, "Knows about what?"

"You...being little." I bit my lip.

He stared at me for a second. "This isn't funny, Namjoon." He said not reacting at all. "I'm serious." He didn't say anything and looked down. "Hey, hey don't do that." I said while I put my finger under his chin and raised his head so that he could look at me.

Tears welled in his eyes as he wiped them away. "Hoseok, doesn't judge you." I told him, still looking him in his eyes. "He was confused at first but when I told him about the little space, he understood. He doesn't judge you baby, trust me Seokjin."

"Am I a freak?" He said looking at me, tears now streaming down his cheeks. "Is there something wrong with me?"

"No, no, no, Seokjin, don't ever think like that you hear me?" I cupped his face in between my hands and wiped his tears away, "No one can blame you for what happened when you were younger. You were only a kid, Seokjin. You couldn't control what they did to you." I kissed his forehead.

Jin-hyung then hugged me while crying, I rubbed his back and comforted him. After he finished crying, I looked up at me and pouted.

"Daddy, m'want ramen." He said while rubbing his eyes.

I smiled. "Okay daddy will give you ramen. But first let's put you in some comfortable clothes." He nodded while rubbing his eyes with his fists.

I picked him up and took him to my room. I went into my closet, where I keep some of Jinnie's little space clothes just in case. I took off his clothes and he picked out some blue long socks with another matching blue long shirt that went down to his knees.

For some reason Jinnie never likes to wear pants when he is in his little space. I never questioned it, I guess he likes to be more free.

After I dressed him, I picked him back up and took him into the living room before not of course grabbing his pink pacifier.

I sat him down on the couch and went to make him ramen. As soon as I put them down I heard him cry and made grabby arms towards me while pouting.

I sighed, "Jinnie, I have to make you ramen." He shook his head and still made grabby arms towards me saying, "Up daddy, up!"

I walked over to them and picked him up, he wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I stumbled back at first, "Jinnie, do you still want ramen?" I felt him nod his head in the crook of my neck.

"Can I put you down to make it?" I felt him shake his head no. I sighed knowing that I wasn't going to win this so I walked over to the kitchen and made Jinnie his ramen while he was still attached to me.

It was hard to cook at first but I managed to finish cooking.

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