Chapter 49~Short is cute

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Yoongi POV
Class is over. Finally, they don't understand how much energy it takes for me to be here. I have to wake up from my peaceful sleep early in the morning and walk all the way just to see this professor smiling like she has the best job in the world.

The bell rang and I was finally free from that class and that lady. I walked back to my dorm in hopes of going back to sleep. Because that lady literally drains the energy out of me, I wish I could be carried to my dorm instead of walking.

Anyways, I was outside of my dorm door and reached into my pocket for my keys. I took them out and as soon as I was about to put the key in the door, I dropped them.

Great. Just great.

"Damnit!" I reached down to pick them up and heard the door open. I stood back up and my eyes widened.


He smiled at me. "Yoongi, I thought you would be back later."

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh! I'm watching Jinnie." He moved out of the way to show Jinnie playing with toy cars on the floor with a pink pacifier in his mouth.

I didn't say anything to him and walked past him. "Oh..okay." He closed the door.

"Yoonie!" Jinnie got up to hug me. "I missed you!"

I smiled, "I missed you too Jinnie. Where's daddy?"

He stopped to think before saying, "Daddy study so Hope watch Jinnie!"

"Hope?" I turned around to look at Hoseok.

"Yeah, that's my nickname." He smiled.

I blushed and looked away from him. He has a really nice smile....

Stop it Yoongi!

I shook my thoughts away. He just has to be here, doesn't he? I put my bag down and walked away.

"Where are you going?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. "In my room, why?"

"Oh..I thought that you would stay out here with us...and with Jinnie."

Jinnie looked up at me, "Yoonie stay with Jinnie and Hope?" He pouted.

I sucked in my breath and looked at Hoseok. He also pouted, "Yoonie stay with Jinnie and Hope?"

I sighed loudly, "Fine!" Hoseok's pout turned into a smile as Jinnie clapped his hands excitedly. "Yoonie, come play!" Jinnie got up and dragged me to his toys.

I played with Jinnie on the floor for like 30 minutes and my knees were hurting like crazy. Jinnie started to get cranky so Hoseok put him down for a nap in his room.

So now it was just me and Hoseok.



Hoseok was in the kitchen cleaning up while I was sitting on the couch. Once I saw that Hoseok was occupied, I got up slowly, trying not to make any noises until life decided to hate me again and I stepped on a toy which made a loud squeak.

Hoseok walked out of the kitchen, "Where are you going?"

"To sleep."

"Oh...I was going to make something for us and Namjoon when he comes back but go ahead and get some sleep." He smiled.

A part of me wanted to stay out here with him but another part of me wanted to sleep. Sleep or Hoseok?

"What are you making?"

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