Chapter 22~New dorm

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Maybe I should start using aesthetic pictures...🤔

~A couple days later
Taehyung POV
After everything that happened before, I'm finally away from Kai and have my own dorm.

Baekhyun didn't specifically tell me what happened to his old roommate but I assume that they left the school or something. It doesn't matter, at least I don't have to worry about having a new roommate.

Anyways, during the past two days I stayed in Jimin's dorm to keep my distance from Kai while Hobi-hyung and Jimin have been going back and forth from my old dorm to my new one to get my stuff.

Luckily there wasn't any altercation between Hobi-hyung and Kai because Baekhyun and Chanyeol were there at my old dorm and I knew that Kai wouldn't want any suspicion coming from Baekhyun and Chanyeol so I'm grateful for that.

After finally being able to have my own space I felt at ease. No more stress, fear, and yelling for me. Although Kai has definitely tried to call me and text me but I blocked him from my phone and all social media accounts I had.

Also, Hobi-hyung came by a few times to help me put stuff away and gave me ideas on how I should decorate my room.

I settled with getting one regular lamp and a gray one, so that when I turn it on my whole room would turn gray. I hung up my paintings of me and other random objects in my room which most of them were from out of boredom.

I placed my plushies around my room and hung fairy lights on the wall above my bed.

I was now sitting on my bed doing my homework assignments when the front office called me.

In every dorm room it's a phone that can contact the front office, the principal, and security in case of emergencies which made me nervous on why the front office was calling me.


"Good Afternoon, Kim Taehyung, I'm sorry to bother you at this hour but I'm calling because tomorrow I'm having a transfer student arriving here."


"And there aren't any other dorms available beside yours. So would you mind if I have that transfer student come and move in with you?"

"O-Of course, I-I don't mind."

That was a lie.

"Oh Good! Thank you so much Taehyung, I will call you tomorrow when he arrives."

"No problem." I said before she hung up.

I laid like a starfish on my bed and sighed. Okay, now I'm nervous. Meeting new people is awkward for me. Like yeah when Jin-hyung came to the table and I willingly greeted him because he seemed nice and Yoongi-hyung and Namjoon knew him.

Plus Jin-hyung's shoulders were attractive.

And after everything that happened with Kai, I'm still weary about roommates. Especially new ones.

Anyways, what if this new transfer student is weird?

Or create spells? Oh that would be freaky.

Or that he is all quiet and ignores me?

Like on tv shows when the new roommate comes and everything becomes quiet and awkward. I hate quiet people!

I decided to stop thinking about it for now and focus on finishing my assignment.

My hands hurt from all the writing I had done 5 minutes ago. God I hate essays. I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered take out food.

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