Chapter 45~Did you miss me?

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Jungkook POV
I shifted in my sleep, trying to get more comfortable on the couch when I heard a whine from above me and felt Taehyung move.

"Stob moving.."

I didn't answer him, only humming in response as I held him closer to me. I was enjoying my sleep peacefully until the alarm on my phone decided to scream and jolt us awake.

My eyes shot up from being scared of the alarm and I saw Taehyung grab my phone and throw it across the living room.

" can't throw my phone..." I sighed.

"Yes I can, it was bothering us.." He mumbled before laying back down on my chest.

I laughed silently to myself before patting Taehyung on the butt, making him whine but eventually he got up.

I got up from off the couch and stretched, nearly falling over. I looked up at Taehyung and saw him standing there with his arms crossed looking at me while pouting. His messy curly hair was everywhere, making him look 10x cuter.

I chuckled while walking over to him. He backed up while still pouting with his arms crossed. "Tae come on don't do that."

He shook his head, "I want cuddles.."

"Taetae, I gave you cuddles all night last night."

"I want more!" He stomped.

I smiled. I like childish Taehyung. "Can't we just stay home? I don't want to go out there." He pouted.

I sat there and remembered that today is the day that Kai gets arrested.

"Okay, we can stay home."

"Yay!!" He ran up and jumped on me, wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I carried him back to the couch, where we cuddled again before falling asleep.

Who knows long Taehyung and I fell asleep for but what woke me up wasn't my alarm, knocking, or anything going on outside.

No, it was Taehyung farting.

And it was loud too. I woke up and looked at him and saw that he was still asleep.

"Taehyung wake up and go to the bathroom." I nudged him.

He woke up and looked up at me with confusion. "Why?"

"Because I think you just did something in your pants." I tried not to laugh.

He squinted his eyes at me and reached down to feel his pants. "I did not."

"It sounded like it." I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore.

He smacked me against the chest. "Shut up."

"It didn't smell too good either." I held my nose disgustedly.

Taehyung then got up. When his body heat left me, I hissed from the cold. "Tae where are you going?"

"To my room where Tata and Cooky will appreciate my farts!"

I laughed while getting up off the couch. I started to follow him but a knock at the door prevented me from doing so.


"I got it!" I jogged over to the door and saw a man with blonde hair standing there with a smirk on his face. But when he saw me his face changed from a smirk into a frown.

"Why are you here?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean? I live here."

I saw him grit his teeth before he smiled, "I'm sorry I didn't know Taehyung had gotten a new roommate. My apologies." He bowed.

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