Chapter 56~I love you (Namjin)

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⚠️Warning slight smut ahead⚠️

"Jin-hyung!" I heard knocking from the front door.

"Okay, I have to go bye!" I waved at Hoseok.

"Have fun on your date hyung." I hung up feeling my ears burn. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I hope I look good. I fixed my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

Before I went to work, I cleaned the whole dorm and tried to make everything as neat as possible. Yoongi didn't even bother to say anything about it.

That brat.

I walked to the dining room and all the food was laid out nicely just how I wanted. Before I left for work, I put the food in the oven and left it there to cook while I was at work so that when I came home, I could just take it out and lay it out perfectly for Namjoon.

I leaned over the table to make sure that everything was in place and that nothing was missing.

"Jin-hyung!" Namjoon continued to knock on the door. I squeaked before running to the closest mirror to check myself.

You look beautiful Jin, don't worry. I winked and gave myself the thumbs up before jogging to the door. I wiped my sweaty hands on a jacket nearby and opened the door.

"Joonie!" I jumped into his arms. He smiled and hugged me back. We pulled away from each other and he handed me flowers that were in his hands. I stared at the beautiful flowers before thanking him while blushing.

He smirked at me without saying anything as if he was scanning me from head to toe. Now I feel even more nervous than before. I crossed my arms trying to look confident. "What are you looking at?"

"My beautiful boyfriend."

And that's how my confidence went down the drain. It's like this man has full control of me, how one little compliment from him makes me lose all confidence and all loss for words.

"S-stob standing there and come in!" I pulled him inside and closed the door. He walked over to the dining room table and looked over at the candles and food laid across the dark red tablecloth.

"I hope you like it..." I played with my fingers.

He looked over at me, making me instantly look down.

Confidence Jin, confidence!

He walked over to me, taking my hand into his own and kissed it. "I love it." With my hand still in his hand he guided me over to the table and pulled a chair out for me.

"Thank you." I sat down and he pushed my chair in before walking over to the chair closest to mine and sitting down.

"This food is delicious, Jin-hyung." He said while taking more bites of food from his plate. I smiled. I love when people compliment my food.

"Thank you. I'm happy that you like it." I said before taking another bite of chicken.

"So when are you going to teach me how to cook?"

"When you learn how to chop onions right."

He pouted, "But-"

"I didn't tell you to dice it Namjoon."

"How else are you supposed to cut it?"

I put my fork down, "Not the way you cut it. It was a disaster."

He laughed, "Hyung, I'm serious. I really want to learn how to cook."

"And I'm serious too. When you learn to cut an onion properly, I'll teach you."

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