Chapter 2~Secrets from Jimin

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~Later On That Day
No One POV
"WHAT?!?! You still didn't tell him?" Hoseok nearly yelled.

"SHH! You're being too loud! What if someone hears?" Jimin hissed and covered Hoseok's mouth with his hand. Jimin turned his head to look around, making sure no one heard them.

He sighed in relief when no one turned their head in their direction. They were now in the dance room getting ready for practice.

Jimin slowly removed his hand from Hoseok's mouth. "Sorry, I just thought that by now you would confess to him. It's been years, Jimin."

"I'm scared Hobi-hyung, what if he isn't gay and turns my love away? Or OMG what if he is homophobic?!?" Jimin panicked and started breathing dramatically.

"Jimin, Jimin, calm down, didn't he come out as bi last year?"

"Ohhh right, phew." Jimin sat back on the bench in content, wiping fake sweat off his forehead.

"How could you forget when he literally shouted it out to the whole school at the school dance last year? And then asked if there were guys who wanted to make out with him in the bathroom stall." Hoseok laughed, nearly falling out off the bench remembering the memory.

"What's even crazier is that he even asked you, also." Jimin snorted.

"Yeah he did..." Hoseok sighed while looking down, purposely avoiding eye contact with Jimin.

Jimin took notice of Hoseok's sudden change in behavior. Jimin softly placed his small hand on Hoseok's shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Hoseok looked up at Jimin first, then at Jimin's hand on his shoulder. "Nothing." Hoseok smiled.

"Anyways look at this!" Hoseok pulled out his phone from his bag. He rapidly typed in his password and immediately showed Jimin his phone.

Hoseok's blinding light mode screen made Jimin squint at the screen for a second but after blinking a few times, Jimin saw a picture of Min Yoongi at a sushi bar with Kim Namjoon.

Whose also in the same dance room practice with them right now reading a book in a corner.

Jimin looked away from Hoseok's phone to unintentionally sneer at Namjoon.

"Look! You're not looking! Isn't he so cute?" Hoseok zoomed in on the smiling Min Yoongi in the picture while smiling.

"He is cute. But why is Namjoon with him?"

Hoseok turned his phone back to him and shrugged. "I don't know. They might be best friends."

Jimin hummed and looked back at Namjoon.

Hoseok followed Jimin's gaze towards Namjoon. "Why are you looking at Namjoon like that?" Hoseok put his phone away.

Jimin shook his head and shivered, "Namjoon gives me bad vibes."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at Jimin. "Are you serious? Namjoon? But he seems so nice. I mean I never talked to him before but he doesn't seem bad."

"You wouldn't understand." Jimin grunted.

"Well, I have to stay on Namjoon's good side because he seems pretty close to Yoongi. And if Namjoon doesn't like me then Yoongi won't like me either."

Jimin hummed once again, still looking at Namjoon.

Meanwhile Hoseok was lost in his world. "Ah Yoongi-hyung..." Hoseok whispered to himself while resting both of his hands on each side of his face, that boxy smile creeping its way onto his lips.

Hoseok dreamed about how sexy and beautiful Yoongi was to him. His short wavy green hair that rests just above his gloomy eyes, gummy smile that makes Hoseok melt at the sight and nonchalant persona.

Hoseok wasn't a stalker or anything but everything about Yoongi adored Hoseok in every way possible.

"You're so crazy in love. You better get him now while you can before Namjoon takes him away from you." Jimin whispered in Hoseok's ear.

"Namjoon wouldn't do that!" Hoseok gasped. "Plus on Yoongi's insta, it says.. Single! See single!" Hoseok pushed his phone in Jimin's face. So close that Jimin couldn't even see Yoongi's bio and felt the heat radiating from Hoseok's phone.

Jimin pushed Hoseok's arm away. "You're gonna draw attention to us."

"Well stop talking nonsense then! He will be mine soon but not yet, I'll have to wait until I see him in college." Hoseok smiled.

"Oh right! I forgot he graduated. He's like a freshman in college right?"

Hoseok nodded. "Luckily that doesn't matter to me. I like older guys anyways."He smiled mischievously.

Jimin shook his head while rolling his eyes. After being friends with Hoseok for about 3 years, Hoseok is still the same.

Hoseok and Jimin met as freshmen because they had the same math class and sat next to each other, making them partners in most assignments.

They instantly clicked and actually had a lot in common then they thought, for example: dancing.

Hoseok always felt that he had a special connection to music through dancing while Jimin felt a sense of comfort and joy when dancing.

"Alright guys, five minutes until we start!" The dance instructor shouted to everyone while clapping her hands.

Jimin and Hoseok got up and started stretching. "Did you ever figure out the reason why Jungkook doesn't like me?" Hoseok bent down to touch his toes.

"Hey! I don't think he dislikes you, he's probably just misjudging you and could be a little jealous of our special bond through dancing. But I'm not sure. He shouldn't be jealous of us, Jungkook and I also do a lot of things together." Jimin looked at Hoseok, swaying his hips in a circular motion.

Hoseok nodded, starting to feel a little uneasy.

He was hoping that Jungkook would one day tell the truth to Jimin about his and Jungkook's past but that doesn't seem like the case.

Hoseok was too scared to tell Jimin and being a coward he wanted Jungkook to tell Jimin about what had happened between them.

And yes Hoseok did indeed feel bad about what he did and wanted to be honest with Jimin but was too frightened that he would lose such a good friend.

Someone that understands him the most.

Every deadly glare Jungkook gave him struck a pain through Hoseok but deep down he knew that he deserved it.

"Alright guys, let's begin!" The instructor shouted, making everyone get up and walk to their respective spots in the studio.

Also making Hoseok snap out of his dark thoughts that occasionally roamed in the back of his mind.

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