Chapter 4~It's not a date!

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Jimin POV
After chasing Jungkook with my towel, we got into his car. "So what time are you picking me up?"

"Umm, is seven okay with you?"

"Yes, seven is perfect." I smiled.

"Good. You're still not on a curfew right?" Jungkook laughed.

"Hey! I was never on a curfew! You were!"

"Yeah sadly. Luckily my parents aren't as strict as they were before. But they're still pretty strict."

"I don't understand how. They gave you a car."

Jungkook sighed, "They did but the only way I got the car was to always attend one of my parents' parties to make them look good. And those parties happened about three to four times a week. So some nights I didn't get any sleep at all but it was worth it."

I nodded, "But they do care about you, right?"

"Sometimes..." Jungkook muttered, eyes still focused on the road.

I felt slightly uncomfortable because of the tension so I slightly changed the subject. "Are you going to teach me how to drive?"


"Why not?!"

Jungkook smiled, "I'm only playing Jimin but you have to get your permit first, but I'll help you with that, don't worry." Jungkook looked over at me while smiling.

My heart started to beat faster as my cheeks started to burn. Anything that Jungkook does just makes me smile and my heart skip a beat.

He could just sit there and do nothing, like right now and it would just make me all flustered. Only Jungkook has the power to do that to me. After driving for five more minutes, we arrived at my house.

Wanting to stay with Jungkook for another second, I leaned over to hug him but he moved away from me. "Your sweaty Jimin." He smiled.

My eyes widened and I looked down. Yup, the same huge sweat spot on my chest that I thought dried up but didn't.

"Sorry.." I whispered and slowly retreated from him and out of the car.

OMG that was so embarrassing!!

I put my face in my hands as I walked up the steps to my porch and twirled around to see Jungkook waving at me from his car.

I blushed once again and waved back before taking my keys out and opening the front door to my house.

"Eomma! I'm home!" I yelled, taking off my shoes.

My eomma walked out of the kitchen and greeted me with a smile. "Hey sweetie." She walked over to me and squeezed my cheeks.

"Eomma!" I whined and moved away from her.

She laughed and walked back into the kitchen. "How was practice?"

"How did you know that I went to practice?"

"Well you're all sweaty, that's one. And two, it's Thursday. You always have dance practice on Thursday."

"Ahh right." I looked at the time and it was 4:30. I gasped, "I have to go get ready!" I ran up the steps to my room.

"For what sweetie?" I heard my mom from downstairs.

"My date- I mean I'm going to the movies with Jungkook at seven!"

"Oh. Well come back home at a responsible time okay?"

"Okay!" I threw my clothes off and jumped in the shower to be engulfed by the hot steamy water.

After my shower, I sat down on my bed and started to dry my hair. Hmm what am I going to wear? I thought to myself as I rummaged through my closet.

Hmm should I go cute?

Or sexy? 

I'll ask Hobi, he has good style when it comes to clothes.

-Hobi-hyung!! Cute or sexy?


-You don't even know I'm what I'm talking about

-But sexy is always good 😏
-Anyways who is this for Jungkook?🤔

I blushed madly looking at my phone.

-Yeah, he's taking me to the movies as a celebration of me becoming leader of our dance group🥰

-Ms.Ahn wants you to be leader of our dance group?


-Sorry Hobi🥺
-I know you wanted to become leader as well but I'll ask Ms. Ahn and see if we can both become leaders or I'll say that I don't want to become leader and ask her to consider you as leader.

-No, it's fine

-Come on Hobi-hyung plz, I'm sorry🥺

-Don't worry Jimin, I'm happy for you really🙂

-I'm sorry again Hobi-hyung, do you want to meet at the cafe after treat🥰

-Hobi likes food...and sprite😄


-Have fun on your date😏

-Yah Hobi-hyung it's not a date!

-Yeah sure it's not...🙄

-Yah Hobi-hyung!


After sending his last message to Hoseok, he went on to gather his "sexy" outfit and went to take a long shower. He settled with jeans with rips at the knees and a black long sleeve sweater with colorful words on it. And a long black necklace.

While styling his orange hair, Jimin received a text from Jungkook.

-Hey! I'm on my way

-Okay, I'll be outside🥰

Five minutes later a car pulled up outside of Jimin's gate and rolled down the window. "You ready?" He said, showing his bunny smile.

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