Chapter 64~Tell me what you want

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Hoseok POV
"Where are you going?" Namjoon stood next to me while I was looking at myself in the mirror.

"To see Yoongi." I moved a piece of my blonde out of my eyes. Namjoon smirked, "Really? Is there any particular reason?"

I shook my head, "No, I just want to go see him and spend time with him." I straightened out my jacket before turning around to face Namjoon. He patted me on the shoulder, "Good luck."

"Why would I need good luck?"

"'s Yoongi. I don't know." He shrugged.

I patted him on the shoulder, "Well when it comes to Yoongi, I don't need good luck. Because I'm Kim Hoseok."

If anything he needs good luck, one compliment and he's a blushing mess. "If you say so." He walked away.

I looked at myself one last time before walking in the kitchen and towards the gray plastic bag that sat on the kitchen counter.

"What's that?" Namjoon pointed at the bag.


"For Taehyung's party?" I laughed while picking up the bag making sure everything was in there, "No, actually I had to get another one because I was scared that the other one would be too old and expired."

Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Ah Namjoon." I walked past him and towards the front door and opened it.

"You ask too many questions."

Yoongi POV


Who is knocking on my door at this time? What do they want?

"Jin-hyung can you get the door, I have cake batter on my hands!" I shouted from the kitchen.

"Jin-hyung?" I peeked my head out of the kitchen as the knocking continued. "Is he not here?" I said to myself as I put the spoon that was covered in batter on the table.

The knocking continued. "Hold on! I'm coming!" I rinsed my hands off and dried them off on my shirt before running to the door. "It better be the president behind this door or else-"

"Yoongi!" Hoseok opened his arms out to me.

I shut the door in his face. "Hey!" I heard him knocking on the door. "Yoongi! Open the door!"

I sighed, putting my head against the door, slightly banging my head against it.

"Yoongi please?"

I groaned as I opened the door, seeing his heart shaped smile again. "Why did you slam the door?"

"Because I felt like it."

He laughed, "Well aren't you gonna invite me in?"

I leaned against the doorway, "I don't know should I?"

He pouted, "Come on Yoongi. Let me in."

I ignored him and looked down at the bag in his hands. "What's that?"

He smiled, "Well technically it's for you."

"You got something for me?"

"W-Well yeah...I want to make it with you..."

Is he blushing? Not only does he smirk but he blushes too..

I smirked internally. "So show me."

"Oh! Umm..right. Only if you let me in."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. Come in." I stepped aside, letting him in.

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