Chapter 13~We don't talk anymore

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~One Month Later
Jimin POV
After finding out about Jungkook and Hoseok, Hoseok and I haven't spoken since.

We would see each in the hallway but never say anything to each other. He would try to come talk to me but I would walk away before he got the chance to.

He texted me everyday, either saying that he was sorry and that he missed me or he asked me how I'm doing.

I never answered him.

I wanted to but then I remembered that he still wants Jungkook, so I can't have him around Jungkook.

Later on, I apologized to Jungkook for ignoring him and after that we talked. Since then we've been going out to more places and hanging out with each other. We went to the movies, the beach, arcade, you name it. He seemed happy that Hoseok wasn't around me anymore but never questioned it.

Thank god.

Welp, it was graduation day. I'm supposed to be happy right? My best friend/crush is leaving to go to America. Who knows if I'll ever see him again. Hoseok and I aren't talking anymore and I don't really know anyone else.

Graduation is supposed to be exciting, emotional, and an experience that you should spend with your friends. But reality says otherwise. It feels like I'm graduating alone.

"Park Jimin."

I snapped my head up upon hearing the principal calling my name from on stage. I got up and walked across the stage with my long gown, trying my best not to trip and fall.

That would be embarrassing.

I saw my eomma sitting in the crowd smiling at me with a camera in her hand while also giving me the thumbs up.

I smiled and once I got close enough to the principal, I shook hands with the him and forced a smile when I heard the camera snap.

I then walked off stage and down the steps to meet with the other people whose name had been called previously.

"Jeon Jungkook."

"Kim Namjoon."

"Kim Hoseok."

"Hwang Hyunjin."

"Lee Felix."

"Bang Christopher Chan."

After congratulating everyone the principal continued, "I would like to thank my seniors for not giving up and pushing through high school with their heads high and dreams ahead of them. I know it was tough but when you leave this high school, I hope you leave with confidence, positivity, hope, dreams, and memories. I wish everyone the best of luck in the future! Now seniors stand up! Stand up!"

Everyone stood up and took their hats off of their heads, ready to throw them in the air. Some had smiled on their faces. Other had sad, depressing ones like mine.

"I salute you!!!"

It was like the world stopped when I looked to my left and saw Jungkook in the crowd, he looked deeply sad and teary eyed as everyone and he threw his hat in the air.

He wiped his tears away and tried to smile. I wanted to go to him and hold him in my arms but someone beat me to it. Namjoon had already walked up to him and hug him. With Yoongi right behind him.

"Jimin? Sweetie?"

I looked down to see my mom smiling at me but then she noticed the tears in my eyes.

"Aww sweetie, It's okay to cry. This is one of the best moments in your life."


"Shh don't say anything come here."

She opened her arms out to me. Without hesitation, I buried my face into her shoulder, crying my eyes out.

Namjoon POV
I saw Jungkook standing there alone, looking like he was about to cry so I went up to him and hugged him. He told me that he was leaving to go to America after graduation. It made me feel sad but I felt even sadder for him.

He cried into my chest as I hugged him, not knowing I was crying myself until I felt Yoongi wipe my eyes saying, "Y'all are some crybabies."

After Jungkook was done crying, he looked up and smiled at me before sniffling and looking around for someone. Jimin I assume.

I looked around for him and saw Jimin crying while hugging his eomma. I patted him on the shoulder. "Go, go to your best friend." I said, pushing him in the direction of Jimin and his eomma.

He nodded his head and walked his way over there. I looked over to my best friend and saw him laughing at me shaking his head.


"Hyung, didn't you cry when you graduated?" I whined.

"Yes tears of joy, I wanted to get out of there so badly."

I laughed at him, wiping my tears away. I looked around, that little bit of hope roaming through my body that my parents were gonna be here but since they were working overseas and having a busy schedule, it was impossible for them to be here.

I shouldn't of got my hopes up.

"Namjoon-ah, come here." Yoongi pulled me away from everyone so that it was just me and him.

"I did research."

"On what?"


I froze upon hearing his name. "Why?"

Yoongi POV
After I explained to Namjoon about the pacifier I found in Jin-hyung's mouth and what Namjoon discovered in his room. I told him that there's a chance that Jin-hyung might be a little.

"What's a little?" Namjoon scrunched his face up. "What is that?"

"It's when an adult basically regresses into a child-like state of mind. It helps them relieve stress and most of the time when someone is little, It means that something traumatic has happened to them during their childhood."

Namjoon looked stunned. "Hyung...I don't-"

"I know it's a lot to take in because I never heard of this but it makes sense Namjoon. The toys, pacifiers, and what he said about how he wants to be childish sometimes."

" w-what do we do now?"

"I did talk to him like you asked and he told me that if you want to be around him again then you have to do something to gain his trust back."

Namjoon looked confused.

"So what do I do?"

I don't know, I'm not the genius, you are." I said pointing at his chest while he rolled his eyes at me.

I was supposed to upload this last night but I got stuck with a science project🕺🏽

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