Chapter 29~Girl or Boy?

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Namjoon POV
After I finished cooking, I sat Jinnie on the couch he reluctantly let go of me to eat his ramen.

"Daddy feed Jinnie pwese?"

I smiled at him while pinching his cheeks making him giggle. "Of course daddy will feed you beautiful."

After feeding Jinnie, we settled down on the couch to watch a movie. It started to get late and I didn't want to go to Taehyung's dorm too late, so I decided to put Jinnie to sleep.

I'll call Hoseok to see if he will watch Jinnie.

I know that Hoseok is not used to Jin-hyung being a little but this might be a good opportunity to get used to little Jinnie especially since Jinnie is over here a lot.

When the movie was over, I looked over and saw Jinnie asleep. I carefully picked him up bridal style and walked to my room.

Beforehand, I already made a comfortable spot on my bed for him so when I walked into my room, I laid him down carefully on the bed. He stirred in his sleep so I instantly grabbed his pacifier and put it in his mouth.

He stopped moving and was now fully asleep. I grabbed one of his favorite plushies named RJ and put it in his arms as he cuddled RJ while asleep.

I sighed and stared at him for a little bit, making sure he was fully asleep and he was. I then called Yoongi.


"Hello to you too. Are you ready to go over to Taehyung's dorm? I just put Jinnie to sleep."

"Who will watch him?"

"I'm gonna call Hoseok."

"To watch Jinnie?"

"Yeah." I heard him laugh on the other end. "You think Hoseok can watch Jinnie?"

"I mean I don't know for sure but since he knows about Jinnie, maybe this is a good opportunity for him to get comfortable around Jinnie. Plus Jinnie sleeps through the night, he won't wake up."

I heard Yoongi sigh, "Are you sure Namjoon?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now get up and get ready so that we can see Jungkook!"

"You're lucky that I love you."

"Aww hyung, you're too cute."

"Don't make me change my mind Namjoon. I'll be ready in 5 minutes." He hung up.

Now it's time to call Hoseok.

"Hey Namjoon!"

"Hey Hoseok-hyung, where are you?"

"The dance studio."

"I figured. Will you be on your way back anytime soon...?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way back now. Why?"

"Uhh me and Yoongi are going out."


"And I have Jinnie with me..." I heard him go silent so I continued. "And he's sleeping right now and he sleeps through the night so he shouldn't wake up so I was wondering...If you could watch him...?"

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