Chapter 58~Detention

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Yoongi POV
Detention. Perfect.

It's not my fault I argued with that lady that loves her job so much. She was in the wrong, I wasn't the one talking it was clearly Bam Bam but whatever I got detention for not talking.

But that's not all.

While we were arguing, she brung up about me skipping last week to the whole class, saying how she could of given me a detention for that. And that's actually what she did. So now I got detention for "talking" and skipping.

This is what I call targeting.

Anyways, this is detention number...

I honestly don't know. I lost track after a couple. She better be lucky that I actually go to them.

So here I am now walking to detention with my mind thinking about something. More like someone. But I have to stick to my plan. I don't want to ignore Hoseok but I don't have any other option. It's best that I just stay away from him for now.

I walked into the class where detention is always held and didn't expect to see Taehyung sitting in the back with his head down.

"Welcome Yoongi. Put your phone in the bin and go sit down."

"I don't have my phone."

She crossed her arms. "Are you lying to me?"

"No I'm serious, my friend has my phone because he needs it for a science project."

"Hm okay. Go have a seat." The teacher gestured for me to sit somewhere.

Luckily I turned my phone on silent and I wore a long shirt plus a hoodie so that it could cover my phone that was in my back pocket.

I walked over to where Taehyung was and sat next to him.

When the teacher wasn't looking, I nudged Taehyung. "Taehyung." I whispered and kept nudging him until he finally picked his head up.

"Hyung..?" He squinted his eyes at me.

"Yes, it's me."

"What are you doing here?"

"The real question is what are YOU doing here? Me, I'm always here, nothing new. You are never here. So what did you do?"

"I was late to class and didn't go to detention when I had to. You?"

"Skipping and accused of talking when I wasn't. Meh, again nothing new." I shrugged.

"Hey no talking! You two separate!" She pointed at us.

I rolled my eyes and got up to move because Taehyung looked comfortable where he was.

"You! Why are you late?" We heard the professor yell.

Taehyung and I looked up to see Jimin standing in the doorway. When he saw us he froze.

"I'm sorry." He bowed. "I had to talk to one of my professors. It won't happen again."

"Yeah, yeah that's what they always say. If you have your phone, put in the bin here." She pointed to the small bin sitting on top of her desk where Taehyung's phone was.

Yeah you got me messed up if you think I'm about to trust that lady with my phone. Jimin reached into his bag and pulled out his phone put it the bin.

He then glanced at me and Taehyung before walking over to the desk near mine and sitting down.

Great, now I'm in the middle of both of them. Before I started ignoring Hoseok, he told me that Jimin argued with him and Taehyung because Jimin wants Jungkook. Plus I already know so much drama from Namjoon. Also that's why Hoseok looked so sad that night in the basketball court.

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