Chapter 31~Jinnie's past

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~Meanwhile at Namseok's dorm
Hoseok POV
After Namjoon left I decided to clean up after Jinnie. There were toys all over the place, a few sippy cups, legos, Barbie dolls, toy cars, coloring books, you name it.

Jeez Namjoon at least clean up after your little before you leave. I said in my head while picking up everything and don't get me started on the kitchen. How do you get ramen all over the counter? Jinnie must have made it, not Namjoon.

After tidying the living room and wiping off the kitchen counter, I plopped down on the couch out of exhaustion.

I mean I did go to the dance studio and danced for hours straight but it's fun. Some people or to be more specific my dancer professor is concerned about me overworking myself but I told him that I'm always okay just a little tired afterwards. I mean who wouldn't after dancing for hours?

Anyways, I'm still weary of Taehyung's new roommate, I hope to meet him soon. I can't have another Kai, living with my brother or else I would go to jail and that's a understatement.

Speaking of Kai, I always try my best to keep my distance from him or I will snap.

And you don't want to see Hobi snap.

He would always smirk at me whenever he sees me and even would try to walk up to me and talk to me which resulted in Jimin stepping and threatening him. Jimin may be small but he's still scary.

I sighed, pushing my negative thoughts to the side as I got up from the couch and headed straight for my room. I took off my sweaty clothes and put on some more comfortable ones.

I looked in the mirror and sighed when I seen bags under my eyes. I peeked my head out of my room and into the hallway. I didn't hear anything coming from Namjoon's room so with that I climbed into my bed and fell asleep.

Trigger Warning ⚠️ Mentions of abuse and Homophobia! Skip if you need to!

Jinnie's POV
"You're so useless." He said to me over and over again. "No one will ever love you nor want you, do you know why?"

I didn't answer, only whimpering in response.

"ANSWER ME!" He smacked me in the face, making me fall to the cold hard ground.

"I-I-I d-don't k-know..."

He smirked at me, "Because your gay that's why. Kissing boys at your school...disgusting."

"I-I-I d-didn't m-mean to k-kiss h-him..m'sorry.."

"No you're not!" I felt the air being knocked out of me as he kicked me in the stomach.

"You should only like girls, no other gender! Why can't you be normal?" He gripped my hair tightly, making me face him up close.

"Honey, I think he's had enough." I heard my eomma say as she walked up to me and my appa.

I looked up at her, hoping that she would make him stop but she just as worse as him. She smirked at me. "I mean your twelve right Jinnie?" I didn't say anything, scare that she was gonna hit me.

And that's exactly what she did.

Another harsh sting on my cheek brought more tears to my eyes and she yelled in my face, "Worthless little boy!"

My appa let go of my hair and pushed me to the ground. My eomma then walked up to my appa and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Let's leave him here so he can see that being gay is wrong and a disgrace to our family."

My appa nodded and they both headed for the door. I laid there on the cold floor, chocking on my sobs that kept coming out as my body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Please someone help me..."

Everything went black.

End of Trigger Warning ⚠️

" me...DADDY!" I sat up and screamed now fully awake.

"DADDY!!" I desperately looked around but was only met with the dark room. I cried and wailed hoping for my daddy to come and protect me.

My heart pounded with relief as the door opened with force and my daddy walked in and picked me up. I cried into this shoulder while gripping his shirt. I shut my eyes tightly while shaking as he rubbed my back.

Hoseok POV
I was asleep in my bed when I heard screaming coming from Namjoon's room. I threw the covers off of me and ran to Namjoon's room, still half asleep.

I saw Jinnie screaming and wailed asking for his daddy. I hurriedly picked him up in my arms. He was shaking and crying into my shirt. I went to the living room and sat down with him still crying on to me.

"Jinnie, can you tell me what's wrong?" Jinnie looked up at me and blinked a few of his tears away. His eyes grew wide as he looked at me, panic now flashing through his eyes.

He screamed, "I WANT DADDY!" and cried harder.

I froze now just as panicked as him because he started screaming at the top of his lungs. Knowing that he's gonna wake up someone soon, I gently removed him off of my lap and put him down onto the softness of the couch. I rushed to my phone, tripping over stuff in the process to call Namjoon.

While waiting for him to pick up, I heard Jinnie wailing and calling for Namjoon. Come on Namjoon hurry up!

Namjoon POV
"Uhhh an artist!"

"A painter!"

"A sculpture!"

"Omg Taehyung what are you?" Yoongi goaned, clearly out of answers.

We've been playing charades for the past hour. After we ate pizza, Jungkook suggested that we play charades which me and Taehyung are bad at.

"You guys! Come on, you have one minute left!" Taehyung said, trying to hold his pose.

"An actor!"

"A plane!"


The timer went off. Taehyung sighed, "You guys, I was a bird!" I nearly choked on my water.

"A bird?!" Yoongi asked in disbelief. "We are never playing this with you again." Yoongi shook his head.

Jungkook got up and went over to Taehyung, "It's okay Taehyung, I'll still play charades with you." Taehyung then blushed while pushing Jungkook away.

I looked over to see Yoongi's face and watched as he rolled his eyes at them muttering, "Love birds at it's finest."

I laughed at him and felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. It was Hoseok. I started to feel worried as something might be wrong.

I answered. "Hello?"

"YOU NEED TO COME QUICK, THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH JINNIE!" I heard him panic on the other end.

I jolted up, "I'm on my way. Just try to comfort him for right now."


"Hoseok don't panic! Stay calm. I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone and got up off the couch immediately. Everyone look at me with concern.

"Namjoon is everything-"

"I'm sorry I have to go. It was nice seeing you back Jungkook." I didn't give anyone a chance to say anything else as I was already out the door.

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