Chapter 12~Pacifier

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Yoongi POV
"Took you long enough."

"Shut up! It's not my fault that Mrs. Kim made me stay after class." I shrugged. "That lady doesn't like me. And do I care? Hell no." I sat down across from Namjoon.

He laughed at me, "Hyung, you're gonna have to get on her good side if you want to pass her class."

"Whatever." I turned my head to see Jin-hyung wiping the counters, minding his business.

"Hey." I nudged Namjoon, "Did you ever apologize to Jin-hyung?"

He shook his head, "Every chance I get, but he keeps ignoring me, so I gave up."

He turned his head to look at Jin-hyung. Only to snap his head in the other direction because Jin-hyung raised his head up and saw Namjoon staring at him.

I noticed the faint pink blush on his cheeks. Wow I haven't seen my best friend blush like that ever since...him.

"Yoongi. Yoongi!"


"I said, can we leave now since you're here?" I noticed Namjoon slightly shifting in his seat, cheeks even more pink.

I raised an eyebrow and looked over to see Jin-hyung's eyes piercing in the direction of Namjoon as he continued to swipe the counter.

"But I want cake.." I pouted.

"But, you can always bake some at your dorm."

I sighed, "Namjoon, I haven't baked in a long time."

"A year is not a long time."

"Well it is to me. Plus it's easier to get something here." I looked over again at Jin-hyung and this time he snapped his head in my direction.

I jumped slightly in my seat and avoided eye-contact with him. Okay he's really scary.

Wait...I live with him?!



"Can we go?"

I sighed, "Namjoon you can't avoid him forever."

"I'm not avoiding him, he's avoiding me!"

"Ohh right.. Fine, we can leave.." His face lit up as he smiled.

"After I order a cupcake."

His face darken as he scowled at me.

"Don't worry Namjoon-ah, it'll be real quick." I laughed, getting up to walk over to the counter.

I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous going up there to face Jin-hyung. Yeah he's my roommate but it's something about his fierce gaze and sharp eyes that would make anyone's spine shiver.

"How can I help you?" He stared at me boredly.

Why is his voice all of sudden so deep? I bet Namjoon would like the sound of that...


"Can I have the...hmm...Oh! The triple chocolate cupcake." He nodded and disappeared into the back.

I turned around to see Namjoon playing with his fingers. "Here you go. That will be 2.15." He still gave me that same bored expression.

Now feeling slightly uncomfortable, I dug in my pocket for the money and gave him the right amount.

"Have a nice day..." He mumbled not looking at me.

I literally snatched the bag from the counter, muttering a "You too." Before signaling with my head to Namjoon that we were leaving.

"Did everything go okay Hyung?"

"No! He's terrifying!"

Namjoon and I went to our usual hangout spot at the basketball court at my college. We normally go there when it's dark to avoid people. "Hyung?"


"Can you do something for me?"


"Can you talk to Jin-hyung for me?"

I chuckled, that chuckle turning into laughter and that laughter turning into wheezing. "You're not serious right?" I wheezed.

Namjoon looked serious, "I"m serious Hyung! Maybe he'll listen to you. Clearly you guys don't hate each other." He pleaded.

"Namjoon, he's my roommate, so I have to at least get along with him. And why would he listen to me? He yelled at me the last time. Plus he's intimidating and that says something because normally people don't intimate me."

"I know, I know but you're Yoongi and you're tough and smart and cute. You can do anything." He said with a smile. "

"And I am supposed to take that as a compliment?"

"Come on! Please Yoongi-hyung? Pleasee? For me, your best friend that you love so much?" Namjoon pouted.

Please no, not the pouting.

I stared at him, trying not to give in to his pouting but I couldn't resist. "Fine! But you Kim Namjoon owe me." I said while pointing at him.

He squealed, clapping his hands together before thanking me. "Thank you! Thank you hyung!" He ran over and hugged me. I shook my head, not believing that I still fall for his pouty face to this day.

It started to get darker and darker outside, so knowing Namjoon and his "important sleep schedule" he would wanting to leave soon.

"So.." Namjoon put his hands behind his back while standing on his tippy toes.


"Did you ever find that special someone?" He smirked while raising his eyebrows.

"Ew Namjoon, don't make me cringe. My only focus is producing music one day and that's it. Plus I don't see myself in a romantic relationship with anyone."

"Come on Hyung!" Namjoon whined, "Relationships aren't that bad.."

"Yes they are."

"How would you know if you've never been in one?" He put his hands on his hips.

I scowled at him while crossing my arms. "That doesn't matter. I can just watch you get into a relationship with Jin-hyung."I looked up at Namjoon and saw his flustered face.

"W-What do you m-mean, hyung?" He put his hands on his face, covering his cheeks.

"Namjoon-ah." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm not dumb. I see how Jin-hyung flirts with you and makes you flustered. Why do you think I cringe a lot when y'all two are together? But since.. you know what happened with Jin-hyung, all that flirting and stuff ended. You probably miss that don't you?"

Namjoon didn't say anything.

"You should head back to the dorm." Namjoon said barely above a whisper, walking away quickly.

I laughed quietly to myself. It's cute to see Namjoon happy and crushing on someone again. Someone other than him...

After Namjoon and I soon after parted ways, he said that he he had a test tomorrow and should get some "valuable sleep".

When I headed back to my dorm room. I saw something that I certainly didn't expect to see.

Jin-hyung asleep on the couch, a bunch of soft blankets hugging him as he snored. But what I saw looked to be a pink pacifier hanging barely out of his mouth.

What. The. Hell.

He seemed peaceful on the couch so I tipped toed quietly to my room and quietly shut my door.

I sat on my bed thinking to myself, after Namjoon discovered all the childish toys in Jin-hyung's room, and what Jin-hyung said to me. Now the pacifier in his mouth. I think it's time that I start my research.

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