lets play a game

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Based on a EO prompt from "dailyEOficletPrompts" on Twitter

Set in the car ride while they watched Santos house from the May 5th 2022 episode

Elliot sighs as he leans his head back against the seat as he and Olivia watched the house

"I remember how much I hate shakeouts" Olivia said quietly

Elliot looks at her "when was the last time you were out in the field?" He asked

Olivia sighs "too long ago. I like my job, don't get me wrong, I like the safety of it, with Noah, I like knowing I'll be okay...but I miss the rush" she said

Elliot smiles softly "I get that, when we were in Europe, I was doing private security, and it had its moments but..not like use to be" he said

Olivia smiles as she shakes her head "I'm gonna regret this but..let's play a game" she said

Elliot looks at her like a little puppy who just heard the word treat "what game?" He asked

"What was your favorite uc job?" Olivia said and motioned between the two of them "of ours" she added

Elliot chuckles "wow, uh" he said and stoped "that's tough" he added, no it wasn't, it's all of them, he thought

Olivia smiles as she leans her head back against the seat "My favorite was when we were at that restaurant, you came in with those dorky glasses and ordered me a drink...it wasn't much but it felt.. natural, and normal" she said

Elliot smiles at the memory "dorky glasses" he said

Olivia pats his arm "your turn, you gotta have a favorite" she said

Elliot shifts in his seat "I have two.." he said and stared out the front window

Olivia watched him "okay..what?" She asked

Elliot clears throat "um, the first one..was uh, when you and I posed as swingers" he said and smiled at the thought of calling her his wife that night "when we had to get in to that swingers club" he added

Olivia chuckles softly "I remember that" she said, she noticed his body language changed when he went to tell the second, he got tense and nervous "what's the second?" She asked

Elliot looks at her, when we were married, he thought, when you showed up in the middle of night and pretended to be a pro he thought, when you came out of the bathroom in your bra and underwear, when you put your body against mine, he thought

Olivia tilts her head at how long it's taking him to answer the question "Elliot?" She asked

Elliot looks back at the window "Uh, when we all went to that rave together" he said quick

Olivia frowned confused, that's not it she thought

Elliot sits up quick "Frank's leaving" he said quickly

//after they get back in the car from leaving Santos house

Elliot starts the car sighing

Olivia turns in her seat "you lied" she said

Elliot looks at her "to rosaira? About what?" He asked

"No, to me" Olivia said as she leaned over taking the keys out of the ignition "what was your favorite uc moment of us?" She asked

Elliot shrugs "I told you, the swingers and rave" he said

Olivia stares at him

Elliot sighs as he leaned his head back "Liv, I dont want to play this game anymore, we gotta get back" he said

Olivia shakes her head "I hoped we were past the secrets El, I just wanted this, us, to feel normal again, to talk about old times" she said and handed him the keys as she sat back in her chair

Elliot closes his eyes for a moment "my favorite uc moment was neither of the ones I said" he said and sighs "my favorites were when you and I pretended to buy that baby, when we were married, when we- when had the house and the life together" he added

Olivia looks at him

"The swinger job was a favorite yes but not the whole job, just the part of you being my wife, saying, this is my wife Olivia, in public" Elliot said

Olivia goes to speak as he cuts her off by looking back out the front window

"and when I was undercover and you showed up to tell me to go home, those guys came and you disappeared and the next second you were coming out of the bathroom wearing-" he said and stopped himself, he looked at Olivia "Liv, my favorite moments of us undercover were the times I nearly cheated on my wife" he added

Olivia takes a deep breath at the last comment "Elliot" she said

Elliot looks forward again "we need to get back" he said as he started the car

Olivia goes quiet as she stares out her window she rolls her eyes at the thoughts going through her head

You should have cheated..

I feel like that car ride was too quiet for them to not talk about the past

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