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This ficlet is based off of set photos for the L&O/SVU/OC crossover episode of this coming season, found on Twitter

The simplest sound, click, so many things in Olivia's life make the same noise, her heels against the marble of the courthouse, the clock in her office at work, the stove when she's making Noah dinner, all those sounds bring her comfort actually, click, it's simple but comforting. This was not any of those things and it was far from comfort

"Dont..move" Amandas voice broke through Olivia's thoughts

Olivia nods slowly as she stands still, frozen ontop of a buried bomb beneath her left foot, they were on a domestic call and it was only after Olivia had entered in the back yard heading for the shed when she heard the call over her radio that the husband had planted  bombs with a pressure plates, that was the click

"Step back Amanda" Olivia said quietly as she stared forward trying not to move even an inch

"Bomb squad is on their way, you're gonna be fine" Amandas voice wasn't as convincing as she wanted it to be, she steped back to the gate of the backyard where other officers stood around, watching, waiting

What felt like a few minutes was really only few seconds when Cheif Mcgraths voice came over Olivia's walkie in her hand  "how you doing?" He asked

Olivia raised her walkie talkie with a shaky hand towards her lips "not great..still standing though" she said.  her voice shaked as much as her hand, she closed her eyes for a moment, thinking about Noah, how he looked this morning headed to school, how thankful she is that he gave her the biggest hug before he left, she's thankful that she's his mom, that she got to experience parenthood even for a little bit

"Bombs squad on its way, we're gonna get you out" Mcgrath said breaking her out of her thoughts

Olivia nods as she fights back tears, she presses the walkie talkie button "I-..I need someone to get Noah from school, he can't find out there, not in front of everyone" she said

"Olivia you're gonna be okay, you're gonna pick him up from school later" Mcgrath said

Olivia squeezed her fist "I dont need a pep talk Sir, I need you to do as I ask, im the one with a goddamn bomb under my foot, not you, go get my son now" she said through her teeth

"..copy that" Mcgrath said

Olivia looked over as she saw moved out of the corner of her eye

Amanda steped aside as Elliot steped forward, vest on watching the ground as he took his first step

"No!" Olivia yelled causing him to stop and shook her head "go back, you left you didn't have to come back!" She added

Elliot put his hands up as he stops in the grass just off the sidewalk "I heard the call for bombs, I heard you on the radio, you think I wasnt gonna come back?" He asked

Click, Olivia flinches slightly, it's her walkie talkie chirping

"Olivia, Fin offered to get Noah, he's on his way now" Mcgrath said

Olivia let's out a quick breath, knowing he won't find out alone puts her a little more at ease "El, go, im serious" she said

Elliot tightened the strap on his vest "we can argue about this or you can accept that im not walking away from you" he said

Olivia finally allowed the tears that have been building to fall "I dont want to die" she said, her voice cracking at the end

"Hey, listen to me, i promise you i am not going to let you die, you hear me, you're gonna be fine" Elliot said before he slowly took a step  "just hold on okay" he added

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