Dear Olivia part 2

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Olivia stood outside the restaurant "fine & rare", it was 7:20pm and her heart was racing. Noah ended up not going to a sleep over and she didn't want Elliot to pick her up at the apartment so instend she asked to meet him. But now he's 20 minutes late and she's freezing.

"Liv!" Elliot called out as he rounded the car, he caught sight of her and immediately felt week in the knees, god she's beautiful, he thought

Olivia let out a sigh and pulled her coat tighter around her waist "hey, we said 7 right?" She asked

"We did, im so sorry" Elliot said pulling his coat on "I-...i dont have an excuse, if im being honest I kept changing my clothes" he added

Olivia chuckled "seriously?" She asked

Elliot shruged "I even called Jet..learned how to face time" he said

Olivia smiled "you look great" she said

Elliot smiled as he finally regains feeling in his body "you look..great too" he said

Olivia turns to the doors "You uh, you wanna go in?" She asked

"Yeah, yeah of course" Elliot said said and headed up to the restaurant "have uh, have you ever been here?" He asked

Olivia nodded "once actually, yeah" she said once they got in

Elliot looked at her and smirked "boyfriend?" He asked

Olivia smiled "my mother" she said and looked up at him "but look how jealous you got" she said as the waitress took them over to a table by the fireplace, away from everyone

"I didn't- I'm just...curious" Elliot said pulling Olivia's chair out for her

Olivia sat down "sure you are" she joked and scanned over her menu

Elliot notices the fireplace light hitting Olivia's hair, making her look even more beautiful 

Olivia looked up at him and smiled "what?" She asked

Elliot shruged "no-nothing" he said

Olivia chuckled as she looked down at her menu "so, have you been here?" She asked

Elliot scaned his menu "once, years ago" he said and hesitated

Olivia looked at him over her menu "you can say with Kathy, El" she said

Elliot looked at her "feels weird" he said

Olivia shruged "doesn't have to" she and glanced up as the waitress came by

"What can I get you folks to drink?" the waitress asked

"Pinot Noir, please" Olivia said and glanced at Elliot

Elliot scaned over the drinks side of the menu "Espresso Martini please"

Olivia smirked "you're such a coffee snob, you're drinking alcoholic coffee now?" she joked

The waitress chuckled "and are you two ready order now or do you need more time?" She asked

Olivia looked down at her menu "im ready" she said

"Yeah, I'll have the tomahawk Steak, medium Rare" Elliot said

Olivia smirked "I'll the lobster ravioli" she said and glanced at the waitress "he hates seafood, I won't have to share" she joked

Elliot chuckled "wow" he said

The waitress smiled "you two celebrating an anniversary? Wedding?" She asked

Elliot smiled and looked at Olivia, letting her take the lead on whatever she wants to call this

"Uh, no, actually, First date" Olivia said and handed the waitress her menu

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