HBD Olivia Benson

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Elliot leaned over in bed and slid the back of his fingers down her cheek gently "Liv..." he whispered

Olivia hummed softly and moved her face against  his fingers

Elliot smiled as he leaned closer and kissed her cheek "Happy birthday, beautiful" he whispered

Olivia smiled as she opened her eyes slowly "Thank you, but I do not want to make this a big deal" she said

Elliot shakes his head "Of course not" he and smiled "But I do have some options for you" he added

Olivia chuckled "Okay" she said

Elliot kissed her shoulder softly before he moved up her neck burying his face between her neck and shoulder

Olivia smiled as she moved her hand to cup the back of his neck. She chuckled as she leaned her head back "El, what are my options?" She asked

Elliot pulled back and shook his head "Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself" he said and propped himself up on his elbow "Option one, we get out of bed and I make you the breakfast buffet of your choice, anything and everything you want" he added

Olivia hummed softly as his fingers moved up and down her arm "Maybe" she said

Elliot moved his hand a crossed her stomach to pull her into him "Option two, we stay in bed, have the most amazing birthday sex that leaves us both speechless, then we go out for breakfast after, wherever you want" he said

Olivia raised her eyebrows "Mhm..I like that one" she said

Elliot's hand moves down to her hip as he leans down her ear "Option three, you just lay back and relax and I show you just how much I love and appreciate you by giving you the best...morning, of your life" he whispered and kissed her cheek just below her ear softly before he pulled back

Olivia reached up and slid her fingers across his lips softly "Lay back and relax huh?" She asked

Elliot smiled "So you want option 3? All the attention will be on you, whatever you need?" He asked

Olivia nodded slowly "Well, it is my birthday after all," she said and smiled

Elliot leaned up and kissed her softly "Just relax then," he said as kissed down her neck to her collarbone

Olivia closed her eyes as she leaned her head back as she felt Elliot kiss down her side while his fingers moved along the waistband of her pajamas pants
_ _ _

Olivia walked out of Elliot's room in one of his button ups and her phone pressed to her ear. She smiled  as she saw Elliot making coffee "El" she said

Elliot turned around with a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth, in a pair of sweat pants and no shirt  "Mhm?" he mumbled

"Fin wants to know if you have plans for Lunch, he wants to take me out," Olivia said as she watched him quickly finish brushing his teeth

Elliot spits the sink quickly "Yeah that's fine, I gotta get your present at lunch anyway" he said

Olivia smiled as she pulled the phone back up "Yeah, I'm free...Okay, I'll see you in 20" she said and hung up "So, my present?" She asked as she sat down at the island

Elliot ignored her and slid a coffee mug towards her

"I thought this morning was my present...felt like one," Olivia said as she took a sip

Elliot shook his head "No, that was just to get your day started" he said leaning his arms against the island

Olivia smirked "Well, if that wasn't birthday related then maybe sometime I'll have to return the favor one morning, if you're okay with that," she said

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