i can smell me on you, i like it

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Prompt from EOFicletPrompts on Twitter

This is based durring season 24/3, a week after he gives her the compass, he comes back from a small uc stint and they start sneaking around

Elliot rolled over, twisted in the white sheets of the hotel room. He moved his hands over the bed and opened his eyes when he felt the coolness of the other side


Olivia came out of the bathroom, wearing his black and green button up from the night before 

"Right here"

Elliot watched her climb back into bed, he turned towards her and wraped his arms around as he pulled her into him

"Last night...was eventful" his voice was raspy, deep. He moved his hands flat against her hip as he held Olivia against him

Olivia smiled "more than the other nights?" she watched his hands move under the hem of her (his) shirt slowly to gripped her waist

"The other nights were spent in my dingy prop house, this was better, a real bed, off the floor" Elliot kissed her cheek softly before he moved down her neck "you wanna go back to sleep, or..."

Olivia shifted under him softly "depends,  do you need to leave?" Her voice was soft, not as raspy as his but still has the left over sleep in her voice

Elliot shook his head "don't worry about that right now" he kissed her cheek again before he whispered "god, I can smell me on you" 

Olivia tilted her head back when she felt him bury his face into her neck "that a bad a thing?" 

"Not at all, I like it"  Elliot said as he took a deep breath against her skin before he groaned quietly  "I more than like it" 

Olivia smiled to herself as she felt him move against her till his legs intertwined with hers  "Bells gonna come looking for you if you don't check in, she'll check your location, see that you're here, with me"

Elliot shifted against her slowly as his fingers curled against her hips "don't care"

Olivia slid her hand up and down the back of his neck and felt goosebumps rise against his skin "I care, you're-you're undercover, you're working" 

Elliot grunted softly as he sat up on his arm to look at her properly "she hasnt checked my location the whole week we've been doing...whatever this is" he pecked his lips down her collarbone as his fingers popped open the buttons on her shirt "we wont get caught"

Olivia closed her eyes as she leaned her head back the further down her body he went "im-...I'm not worried about getting caught El" she felt him kiss and slide his tounge along her ribs as her breath hitched  "im worried about you getting compromised, getting hurt because we deicded to sneak around"

Elliot ignored her and kissed her ribs again before he went to move further down just as he heard Olivia's phone buzz on the nightstand

Olivia let out a breath as she sat up on her elbows "stop, come back up here" 

Elliot poked his head out of the blankets "just ignore it"

Olivia reached over and grabbed her phone, she sighed "it's Mcgrath"

Elliot smirked "oh, then answer it" he moved back under the blankets quickly

Olivia quickly pushed her hands under the blankets, swatting him off her "no, no not a chance" she let out a quick laugh as she kicked at him

Elliot was barely able to get his lips to her stomach before  Olivia gripped his shoulder and shoved him back

Olivia tried to hide her smile as she yanked the blankets off him and wrapped herself up, leaving him in the cold "dont talk and keep your hands to yourself" she quickly answered Mcgraths call "Captain Benson"

Elliot had his shit eating grin as he laid back against the bed listening to Olivia talk

"I understand that Cheif, but Fins right, he-...yes i know" Olivia said and glared at Elliot

Elliot winked as he pulled the sheets back over himself

Olivia rubbed her forehead softly "okay..yep, just-...just give me a couple minutes to get ready. Okay, bye" she hung up and sighed

"Please don't tell me you have to go" Elliot said rolling on to his side

Olivia shook her head "mhm, not till you finish what you started" she looked at him and smirked

Elliot let out a low chuckle then mumbled "that's my girl" he didn't hesitate, he pushed himself up and over her, he leaned down towards her chest just as his own phone started to buzz as he pressed his forehead against her shoulder and all but growled

Olivia shook her head softly as she lifted her hips against his before she whispered  "ignore it"

Elliots eyes darkened as the corners of his mouth curled "now look who can't wait"  he reached over and shut his phone off before he immediately pressed his lips to her collarbone and worked his way down again

Olivia slid her hands over his shoulders softly as she exhaled slowly

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