hotel shenanigans

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TW: very brief mentions of William Lewis, murder, and sex trafficking, very brief though

//Hotel room in ridgewood///

The case was closed,  the murder-for-hire crew was taken down and for the most part, bx9 was dissolved...again. and Unfortunately for Elliot and Olivia that also meant their time as partners again was coming to an end. after a back-and-forth stalling fest at a diner with their teams, Elliot decided to walk Olivia back to her hotel room for a few brief minutes alone with her

_ _ _

Olivia stopped outside her door, her hands were shaking from left over adrenaline and the fact that Elliots wearing his old cologne that immediately took her back to the old precinct, sitting across from him at her desk, watching him cut his sandwich in half for the two of them

"So, I'll get my reports over to Bell as soon we get back to the city, Mcgrath is already up my ass about getting them filed as soon as possible,  especially since we weren't supposed to be working it to begin with," Olivia said as she leaned her back against the door "thanks by the way, for putting your job on the line with me...again" she added

"I've said it before, but, Its always nice working a case with you...feels good," Elliot said

Olivia hummed quietly as she nodded softly. she's not sure what sparked it but she's done waiting, running, avoiding. She took a deep breath and opened the door behind her as she  shrugged

"show me" she said  unbuttoning her blazer

Elliot furrowed his brows "Show you what?" He asked

Olivia stepped forward and without hesitating she slid her fingers along his belt while keeping her eyes on his

"Show me exactly how good it felt working with me again" she said as she unhooked his belt and watched the fire pick up in his eyes before she took a step back into her room

Elliot stood there, unable to breathe,  move, or swallow. He watched her from outside the door as his mind screams at him to move

Olivia smiled as she kicked her boots off behind the door just as she got her blazer off "you're really gonna make me take my clothes off myself?" She asked

Elliot regained feeling in most of his body again and lunged forward as he grabbed her neck pulling her lips to his

Olivia immediately moaned into his mouth  as she pushed  the door shut behind them

Elliot copied her moan as his tounge danced with hers. He moved his hands flat over her hips as he pushed her against the wall

Olivia sighed and worked on unbuttoning his shirt before she turned her head to finally take a breath "oh my god" she panted

Elliot couldn't focus on anything except the sound of her breathing, how soft her lips were, how they tasted, and how badly he wanted to taste more of her. he moved his mouth down her jaw briefly before he let her push his shirt off his shoulders

Olivia took ahold of his arms and moved them to the bed before she immediately sat down pulling at his hips to follow her as she laid back on the bed, already missing his mouth on hers

Elliot kissed down her neck slowly as he moved to hover above her with his knees on either of her. He stops suddenly and looked down at her "Wait-wait, what are we doing ?" He asked

Olivia smiled as she put her hands on his cheeks "I'm choosing you, I'm choosing happiness for myself" she said and slid her thumb against his bottom lip

Elliot closed his eyes for a moment, fully accepting this before he opened them again just to stare at her lips  

Olivia shook her head  "I can't keep pretending that I don't feel things for you, that when I see you all I see is a friend, because I don't, I see my person, my home"  as she slid her hand down his chest to his stomach she took a deep breath

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