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Based on the now deleted monitor photo Mariska posted to her Instagram 4/12/2023

"I'm sorry" Elliot said quietly, so low his voice rumbled

"For what?" Olivia asked, the case was done, he helped, why is he sorry now

"You came all this way to ask how I was, to make sure I was okay and I've spent the last 3-...13 years not asking how you are" he said

Olivia nodded slowly "oh.." she said looking down her hands

"Liv" Elliot said with a rumble again "im in love with you"

Olivia shook her head "I cant- I can't Elliot, there's too much here" she said and looked up at him as she sat down on his desk, her legs feeling like they were being pulled down suddenly "there's too much between us" she whispered

Elliot stepped towards her "what's between us? Years of partnership, friendship...commitment, love" he said

"Loss, heartache, abandonment" Olivia listed

Elliot smirked "tension, passion, lust" he said  and stepped closer to her "want, need...hunger" he added

Olivia looks at him as her lips parted in shock, "dont..don't do that" she said  as she stood up and put her hands on his desk leaning over it, trying to not make eye contact with him "god, Elliot" she whispered

Elliot glanced over around the empty office "you said theres too much between us...fine, forget the romantic feelings Liv, what else is there? Is it hatred or is lust?" he asked

Olivia shook her head  still leaning over the desk, she hung her head and sighed "just- i should be mad at you" she whispered

"Well that answers my question" he said and stepped behind her slowly "I bet you're picturing things, aren't you?" He asked as he slid his hands over her hips slowly from behind before he yanked her against him

Olivia tried to hide her smile "not at all" she said as she finally stood back up. still facing away from him, she glanced down when she felt his fingers dig in to her hips softly before one hand lifted

Elliot slid his hand up her throat causing her to look back at him, "you're about too" he said as he presses his lips against her jaw slowly. he moved her blazer off her to give him more room, before he droped it on the floor next to them

Olivia sighed at the feeling of his patheticly light kisses on her neck "oh come on, You can do better than that, make me want you" she joked

Elliot groaned against her neck softly "you already do" he mumbled and pressed against her

Olivia gasped softly and gripped the edge of her desk tightly when she felt his lips finally part against her neck and he bit down slowly "okay...just a few minutes" she whispered

"Are you thinking about it?" Elliot asked and slowly turned Olivia around in his arms before he moved his mouth to the other side of her neck "I'm thinking about it" he added

Olivia leaned her head back "maybe" she whispered as she closed her eyes, all she wants right now is to kiss his lips

Elliot moved his hands over her hips then around her outer thighs
"can i put you on the desk?" He asked quietly before he kissed her jaw

Olivia slid her hands up his shoulders as she dug her nails into the back of his neck, "god, yes" she whispered breathily and pushed her lips onto his

Elliot grabs the back of her thighs and slid her up on the edge. he stood between her legs and parted her lips slowly

Olivia squeezed his bicep as moaned softly into his mouth

Elliot smiled against her as he started to untuck her shirt. he slid his hand under and up her back

Olivia tilted her head back when Elliot moved his mouth to her neck finally letting her breathe again. she stared at the ceiling before she took a deep breath at the feeling of his hand against her back and his fingers moving between the band of her bra

"Im gonna unhook it" Elliot whispered against her neck, he felt her nod permitting him. he unhooked it with one hand while the other hand squeezed her hip and pulled her against his waist. he moved his hand down her back slowly as he started to lay her down against his desk

Olivia grabed his belt and unhooked it before she moved her hand behind herself pushing stuff out of the way, knocking his phone and files off as she laid back "Elliot" she panted as she reached for him

Elliot moved his hands flat against her waist "im right here"  he whispered pushing her shirt up to just below her bra before he leaned down towards her. He kissed her stomcah softly and slowly

Olivia laid her head back against his desk quickly as she gaspsed quietly.  This is happening she thought, him, on his desk

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