a 7 year old secret

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Elliot crossed his arms over his chest "why are you really here, Tia?"

Tia took a deep breath "well, there's no easy way to say this" she said

Elliot watched her

"Elliot, I have an 8 year old son" Tia said and and watched him "You can do the math..I've it done it a millon times over the years" he added

Elliot felt his heart drop, he remained as stoic as usual but the inside of him was on fire with panic

"I found out I was pregnant a week after you got reassigned" Tia said "i know i should have told you, but you and Kathy were doing good again and it was only the one time and I didn't think he was yours...no offense" Tia said

Elliot put his hands up "stop..stop" he said and rubed his hands down his face "you waited 8 years?" He asked

Tia sighed "I planed on never telling you" he said

Elliot scoffed "I can't-I.." he said and stood from his stool as he slid his hands ontop of his head

"Elliot, I want you to take a dna test...Lucas is having health problems, mental health problems and I need to know where it's coming from and how to help it...im waiting on the test results from other potential but its taking forever, i was hoping i would have better luck here" Tia said

Elliot leaned his hands against the island, he shook his head "it was only one time" he said quietly

"You have 5 kids, Elliot, im sure by now you know sometimes its only once that does it" Tia said and got off the stool 

Elliot looked up at her "what..what kind of mental health problems?" He asked

"He has anxiety, mood swings, he's paranoid..I've taken him to the doctors, they think he has bi-polar" Tia said

Elliot hung his head, His mom, Kathleen, "I'll go get tested" he said quietly

"Look, if it is you, i want you to know i dont need anything from you, i hid him, i didn't tell you, this is on me" Tia said

Elliot shakes his head "just..call me the second you find out..regardless" he said

Tia nodded "of course"

Elliot watched as Tia leaves. He heard the door shut and turned around slamming the kitchen cabinet, he slid his hands on top of his head as he took a deep breath


Elliot sat nervously at the doctors. how could he be so stupid, cheating on Kathy, getting Tia pregnant, ruining every chance he's ever gonna have with Olivia. He's already come to terms with this, theres no way it's not his kid..his 6th kid

He walked into the room and stoped in the doorway when he saw a familiar face

"Elliot, hi, have a seat" Melinda said and grabed her papers

Elliot nodded slowly "of course" he mumbled under his breath "hey Meldina, long time, didnt think you'd be here" he said

"im just filling in for Doctor kims today, lets see what you're here for-" Melinda said and stoped as she skimmed over the test papers

Elliot looked down at his hands "Melinda.." he said 

Melinda cleared her throat "a paternity test" she said and looked up at him

Elliot looks at her "yeah.." he said

Melinda nodded slowly "how um, how long you been back? I heard about Kathy, im so sorry" she said trying to change the subject

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