distraction part 2

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Because I have ABSOLUTELY no self control and because literally only 1 person asked for this, heres a part 2

Olivia laid in her bed pressed against Elliot. the blankets are around each other aside from her leg thats out of and leaning against his hip

Elliot moves his fingers in small circles against her knee slowly "so is this our new thing? You show up when youre stressed" he said quietly

"I wasn't stressed, I came here to talk about what we are, Remember" Olivia said

Elliot smiled "oh...well good talk then" he said

Olivia smiled to herself as she looked up at him "really?" she said

Elliot chuckled. He moved fingers into the bend of her knee and pulled her leg up closer "hey you're the one who  chose to wear that dress, not my fault i couldn't focus" She added

Olivia rolled her eyes "I've worn that dress to work, it's not like it was scandalous" she said

Elliot raised his eyebrows "no, but how you took it off was pretty scandalous" he said

Olivia chuckled and moved her knee to nudge him in the side

Elliot gunted as her knee dug in. He laughed and squeezed the bend of her knee "okay okay" he said and turned to his side "what are we ?" He asked

Olivia turned to her side and shruged "what do you wanna be?" She asked

Elliot nodded towards her "yours" he said and cringed

Olivia frowns "Oh my god" she said and laughed

"That was so cheesy, why did I say that" Elliot said and shook his head

Olivia chuckled, she cupped his cheek softly "I want that too, as cheesy as it is" she said

Elliot winked "yeah?" He asked

Olivia nodded "I dont want this to just be physical, or just a stress relief every now and then. I want the whole relationship thing, and i want it with you" she said

Elliot leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers slowly. he felt her smile as his lips slowly parted

Olivia slid her hand up his the back of his neck softly. She humed into his mouth as she felt him push her further into the pillows kissing her deeper and longer.  she turned her head away from him to catch her breath "Elliot" she whispered breathily

Elliot immediately burried his face into her neck "sorry" he mumbled and took a deep breath against her skin wrapping his arms around her waist in a tight hug

Olivia moved her fingers against his neck and up the back of his head softly, for the first time since he left all those years ago, she feels completely safe "I love you" she said quietly

Elliot let out of a quick breath against Olivias neck sending goosebumps down her skin "I love you too" he said as he pulled back so he could look at her "more than you know Liv" he added

Olivia looked down for a moment, she took a deep breath  "why don't we...why don't we shower and get dressed. I wanna tell you why I have these rules but i cant do that in bed like this" she said and looked at him

"you sure?" Elliot asked as he sat up

"I want you to know, you need to know, and i feel ready right now...i feel safe right now and i want to keep this feeling for this conversation" Olivia said

Elliot nodded "okay"


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