can I be Noah Benson Stabler

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Olivia walked up to her apartment door, exhausted, defeated.  she slid her key in when she heard music playing then a quick gasp from inside and the music stop. Olivia turned the key and opened the door

Noah drops to the floor by the coffee table. homework scattered across the table

Elliot sat across from him on the couch, papers in hand as he reads "and that was the story of the mayflower" he said and passed the paper to Noah "I like it, you went with the real story, so be prepared for your teacher to try to correct you"

Noah smiled "thanks" he said and looked at Olivia "oh hi mom" he said as nonchalantly as he could

Elliot smirked "oh hi Liv" he said

Olivia's eyes moved back and forth between them "what's going on?" She asked tossing her bag onto the puffball chair by the wall

Elliot goes to speak just as Noah cuts him off

"Elliots helping with my homework" Noah said

Elliot glanced at Noah for a moment nodded

Olivia nodded slowly and looked at Elliot "huh...and uh, why are you sweaty?" She asked

Elliot shrugged and pulled his shirt away from his skin "cause you keep this apartment like a sauna...poor kid shed like nine layers the second we walked in" he said

Olivia squinted her eyes "it's not that hot in here" she said

Noah stood up "here, do you wanna read my story" he said trying to move on from this

Olivia put her attention on Noah and smiled "in a minute, let me go get changed out of these clothes, it's been a long day" she said smoothing her hand over Noah's hair

Noah hugged her briefly before he went back to the coffee table

Olivia nodded down the hall "Elliot, can I speak with you" she said and motioned to the hall before she headed off to her bedroom

Elliot nodded and glanced at Noah as he got up with a small grunt

Noah looked up at him "Elliot" he whispered

"Shh, it's fine, its fine" Elliot whispered and headed down the hall

Olivia shut the door behind them "I dont like secrets El" she said pulling her blazer off

Elliot smiled as he leaned against her dresser "no secrets Liv" he said and handed her a tshirt from the first drawer "here" he added

Olivia chuckled softly at him knowing where her things are "I'm serious, what were you two doing?" she said as she pulled her shirt off

"You must be fun around Christmas time, did you even do Santa?" Elliot asked as he watched her change the rest of her clothes

Olivia glared at him "you're avoiding my question" she said

Elliot shrugged "I said there's no secrets...everything's okay" he said

Olivia studied his face for a moment before  she shakes her head "Whatever you say" she said and grabed her phone as Elliot opened the bedroom door

Elliot let out a quick breath as he followed her down the hall

Noah looked up as his eyes darted to Elliot

Ellipt gave him a quick thumbs up

"Okay, let me read your paper" Olivia said as she sat down on the couch

Noah handed over his paper and looked at Elliot sliding on his coat "you're leaving?" He asked

Olivia looked up at Elliot

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