so about last night

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The wedding was slowing down, some guests have left but Amanda and Sonny are still going strong on the dance floor with both their kids and kids of the remaining guests

Elliot notices her sitting by herself, looking beautiful, tired, but beautiful. Before he could talk himself out of it he heads over to her. even though she invited him, they haven't had a chance to really talk or hang out before she went into maid honor mode and though he'd never admit it, at least not right now, he spent the entire wedding looking at her.  He clears throat as he steps towards her chair, He's about 4 champagnes in so that might be where the confidence came from

" you wanna Dance?" He asked

Olivia smiles as she tries to hide the shock on her face "really? You dance?" She asked

Elliot shrugs "maybe its the champagne but..yes, i dance" he said and held his hand out "just say yes" he added quietly

Olivia takes his hand, "yes" she said and got up from her chair just as Noah sat down

Noah looked over and watched Amanda and Sonny pull each other close as the music changed a instrumental version of a thousand years, he glanced over at his mom and Elliot, her first partner almost in sync with Amanda and Sonny

"Weddings are long" Jessie said as she sat down next to Noah

Noah contuines to watch between the two dancing couples "hey Jessie, do you like Sonny? Like as a dad?" He asked

Jessie shrugs "he's pretty cool I guess, he  sprays the monsters away for Billie and I, he knows how I like my mac and cheese" she said

Noah watches his mom and Elliot "what about...being in your family, with you and your mom and Billie" he asked

Jessie smiles "he makes my mom feel better, he makes her laugh" she as she watched her newlywed parents

Noah looks over at his mom and Elliot, Elliot must of have said something to her cause she leaned her head back and laughed harder than Noah has ever seen, a genuine, nose scrunching laugh. He's seen his mom happy before but not like this

Noah left with Billie and Jessie to a sleep over at Uncle Fins house as the song eventually ended but Elliot held Olivia tightly against him, he leaned his head down slightly "im sorry, for everything Liv" he said quietly

Olivia curls her fingers against the back of his neck "not right now El" she said as she took a deep breath "you wanna get out of here?" She asked

Elliot raises his eyebrows as he came to stop "what?" He asked

Olivia shrugs "you heard me she said


Olivia stumbles through Elliots door, him following close behind, they're lips have yet to separate since they got in the Uber from the wedding. neither of them said anything after the first kiss, it was sudden, mid sentence about the bottle of wine Olivia had stolen from the bar (and finshed even before the car doors shut) before she lunged forward, pushing her lips against his, followed by a brief moment of a shocked pause between the two and then it was like there was magnets in their lips, immediately they were drawn back to each other in a probably the most heated, passionate, kiss either of them had, both wandering hands and tounges moved against each other. They both  apologized to the Uber driver a dozen times  before getting out, his hand wraped around hers tightly as they made their way to his front door

Elliot pushes the door shut behind him as he feels her hands slide down his chest poping open the buttons she moves

"Wheres your mom and Eli?" Olivia asked before she moved her mouth down Elliots jaw, her hands pressed against stomcah

Elliots finally able to catch his breath as Olivia's lips and tounge moved down neck, "staying at Katies" he said said quickly before he let out a quick breath and moaned as he slid his hand on the back of her neck and lead his head back against the door "my rooms through the living room" he added

Olivia pulls back from his neck, her lips red and puffy from the slight stubble on his jaw "good" she said out of breath and pulls him off the door towards her "lead the way, detective" she said sliding her hand down to Elliots belt

Elliot chuckles "after you, Captain" he said just as Olivia unhooked his belt


Olivia walks in Elliots room, wearing his button up from the night the before, she quietly shuts the door before she turns around seeing him wide awake, sitting on the edge of the bed  "oh, you're awake"

Elliot nodded towards her,  a little shocked "I thought you snuck out" he said and smiled

Olivia holds up a bottle of water "no, just raiding your fridge..hope that's okay"

"Of course" Elliot said and watched her get back in bed, she did it with just so much ease, as if she's been in his bed like this before  " are we gonna talk about last night?" He added

Olivia glances down at her hands, she picks at the skin around her nails and as she takes a deep breath "Depends...Was last night two friends accepting they have feelings for each other and acting on it...or...just two people who had a little too much to drink at a wedding?" Olivia asked

Elliot smiles "the first one, i hope" and leaned back on his side to face her "what about you?" He asked

Olivia smiles brightly as she slides her hands over her face and shakes her head "the first one" she said and giggled

Elliot looks at her "did you just giggles? You did, Olivia Benson just giggled" he said and grabed her wrist pulling her hand down so he could see her face

Olivia rolls her eyes as she looks at him "so what?" She asked waiting for the come back

Elliot stares at her eyes for a moment before he sighs slowly  "god, you're-" he said as he watched Olivia's lips curl into a small smile "beautiful" he added quietly

Olivia reaches her hand up towards his face, she puts her hand on his cheek before she runs her thumb across his lips "Elliot-" She said before he cut her off

Elliot pulls her hand to his mouth and kisses her palm "Olivia, I'm in..I am all in" he said and kissed her wrist

Olivia smiles as she nods softly "me to" she said

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