episode 12 promo/3

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This is based on the breath heard at the end of the promo AND what Chris said on the today show
If you had asked Olivia Benson 3 weeks ago where she stood with Elliot Stabler, she would have told you she didn't know, somewhere between former partners and friends, and that she wished she was closer to the latter

If you told Olivia Benson, that at 7 o'clock on a Tuesday evening while her son was staying with his brother's family after a gang threatened his life, that She would be standing in her kitchen pressed back against her island having the most intense make-out session of her grown adult life with her former partner

She'd say you're lying

Olivia dug her nails in to Elliots arms as he gripped her hips

Elliot moved his tounge against hers and smiled into her mouth when he heard moan softly

Olivia turned her quick as she panted trying to catch her breath

Elliot didn't need to stop, he immediately attached his mouth to her neck, moving up and down slowly

Olivia sighed as she tilted her head back "I- cou-" she said barely as she closed her eyes

Elliot pulled back just enough to look at her "what do you need?" He asked

Olivia blinked slowly, her lips were red and puffy, her heart rate still hasn't slowed "couch" she said before she kissed him again. Her hands moved to his neck as she pushed off the island

Elliot grabed her waist. He kept his lips hooked to hers as he walked her backwards into her living room

Olivia bit his lip softly as she sat down pulling him with her

Elliot groaned quietly as he moved over top of her

Olivia turned her head away again "I can't breathe again" she panted

Elliot gave her only a second before he kissed her jaw then down her neck, rougher this time

Olivia closed her eyes and let out a breath.  she moved her knee up his hip softly

Elliot moved down to the bottom of Olivia's throat before he went up the other side of her neck

Olivia stared up at the ceiling trying to get the nerve to ask for more, to ask him to take her to her bedroom

Elliot moved his hips against hers softly when his mouth made its way back to hers and bit her lip softly

Olivia sighed into it. She ran her hands down his chest. Suddenly she's very overwhelmed by how close they are, how far they've gotten in a matter of minutes from a conversation in the kitchen, an emotional conversation at that. She moved her legs off his hips "stop, ge-get off" she said quickly

Elliot sat up quickly "im sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked

Olivia got off the couch and shook her head "this-this is too much" she said and slid her finger and thumb down the corners of her mouth "way too much" she added

Elliot watched her pace the length of the coffee table "did I-..did I do something wrong? You asked for the couch right?" He asked

Olivia sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair pushing it back "yes, I'm-im just panicking a little" she said and stopped pacing "I want to slow down" she added

Elliot nodded "okay, no problem, im sorry i made you feel uncomfortable" he said

Olivia closed her eyes for a moment "i wasnt uncomfortable, i liked it...i really, really, liked it" she said and sighed "We-we're just too emotional for this right now Elliot, you just sat here for hours while I trauma dumped on you everything I've gone through. You checked on Noah for me, you did everything i asked" Olivia said

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