valentine's day

690 17 1

Olivia sat crisscrossed on her bed, Elliot in front of her. She puts a cup in front of them filled with different colored sticks

"Okay, I found this online and wanted to play...basically each stick is a relationship truth or dare, a deep question, or...positions" Olivia said

Elliots lips curled up slowly "okay.." he said and cleared his throat "why the sudden need to do this ?" He asked

"Because, this is our first valentines together and while the sex has been great and the conversations have been great...I want to learn new things about you, about each other...about ourselves even" Olivia said

Elliot motioned to the cup "okay, you start" he said

Olivia smiled as she pulled a stick out of the cup, she read the question and hummed softly

Elliot chuckled "what is it?" He asked

Olivia lays the stick down "what's your favorite part of my body?" She asked

Elliots eyebrows raise slightly "um, mhm, okay, I have two answers" he said

Olivia chuckled "okay" she said

"For one, your eyes, you have beautiful brown eyes and sometimes when I look at you i feel like I'm looking at you from across my desk, from when we were partners" Elliot smiled and watched her eyes light up "like right now, and it reminds me of why and when i fell in love with you" he added

Olivia smiled "okay...what's the second?" She asked

Elliot smiled "your ass" he said instantly

Olivia rolled her eyes "that's what I expected" she said and chuckled "pick a stick" she said

Elliot reached in and grabbed a stick. His brows scrunched "I dont know if I wanna know the answer to this" he said

Olivia sat up straighter "whatcha get?" She asked

Elliot Cleard his throat "truth: have you ever fake it with me?" He asked 

Olivia chuckled "no, I've never faked it" she said

Elliot nodded softly "really?" He asked

Olivia shrugged "haven't needed to" she said reached for the cup

"Good to know" Elliot said and handed her the cup

Olivia read her stick "what's makes you happy, aside from just saying me" she asked

Elliot thought for a moment "seeing my kids, getting a hug my mom..." he said and smiled "seeing my old partner" he said

Olivia rolled her eyes "nice loophole" she said

Elliot smirked "yeah, I got lunch with Blaine the other day, he's just a great guy" he joked

Olivia's smile dropped as she leaned forward and shoved his shoulder "asshole" she said

Elliot laughed as he caught himself "im joking, im joking" he said and rubbed his shoulder "you, Olivia Benson, you make me happy" he added

Olivia smiled "I better" she mumbled as held out the sticks "here" she added

Elliot grabs a new stick "dare,  kiss your partners favorite spot till they want more, then go on to the next stick...oh..thats disappointing" he said

Olivia smiled "come here she said as she scooted closer to him

Elliot grabed her legs and pulled her on to his lap "you know this isnt gonna take long" he said

Olivia smiled "I know" she said slid her hand up his throat softly, tilting it back before she kissed his neck slowly

Elliot chuckled softly as his hands moved over her hips

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