Merry Christmas

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Olivia changed her outfit Five times, she straightens her hair, then immediately curled it. she did and re-did her makeup so much that her face is a little sore from the makeup wipes.

She's being dramatic, she knows this. It's a simple joint Christmas party hosted by the OOCB at a fancy banquet hall in Manhattan for both her precinct...and his. She's been carefully, not avoiding, she's protecting herself, by keeping him at arm's length...because that sounds better.

"Are you sure there will be kids there? Why can't I invite Conner?" Noah asked leaning against the bathroom door frame.

Olivia sighed as she fixed her mascara.

"Because this is a work thing, and I-I don't know if his parents would be comfortable with that, I'm sure there will be kids there, Uncle Fin is bringing his grandson," Olivia said and went back to her makeup.

Noah tilted his head as he watched her in the mirror.

Olivia made eye contact and leaned her hands against the sink, she sighed. "what?" She asked.

Noah shrugged "you just look really pretty mom," he said.

Olivia turned around. She smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Noah, I needed that," Olivia said.

Noah smiled as he continued to watch her do her makeup.


6:30 came around a lot faster than anyone expected, Elliot stood in Ayanna's office getting ready to leave from there when Jet came in.

"Sarge wants you to hurry up," she said.

Elliot fixed his tie and looked at Jet who looks nice but not fancy.

"Is the tie too much?" Elliot asked.

Jet wrinkles her nose "it's a party, not a wedding," she said.

Elliot ripped his tie off and sighed "why is so hot in here?" He asked.

Jet crossed her arms "ar-are you nervous?" She asked.

Elliot looked back at her "maybe,  he said.

"For what?" Jet asked.

Elliot hesitated  "uh-I just..don't care for crowds anymore," he lied and buttoned his suit jacket.

Jet nodded slowly "well, I say no tie, you'll mess with it all night if you're nervous and that's annoying," she said and turned to leave.

Elliot looked back at the mirror "hey Jet," he said.

Jet looked back.

"Thank you," Elliot said.

Jet Saluted him and headed out the door.


Olivia walked in. she ended up changing her outfit for a final 6th time, deciding on a red jumpsuit, which seemed festive enough and a little out of her comfort zone.

"Olivia!" A voice called out.

Olivia looked up at Elliot coming towards her, wow that was fast she thought. She took a deep breath as she couldn't help but notice how good he looked, clean-shaven, dark green suit jacket with a black button-up, black pants.

"Hey, I'm glad you could come," Elliot said and glanced down at Noah "hey Noah," he added.

"Hi," Noah replied.

Olivia finally regain the feeling in her body and the ability to speak "um, thank you for inviting us," she said.

Elliot shrugged "of course, and thank Ayanna, she loves a good party," he said and motioned towards Noah "my son Eli is here, I don't know if you're into video games but he's off hiding in the corner over there with his switch, you're more than welcome to join him...if that's okay with your mom," he added.

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