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for once in her life Olivia is completely relaxed, theres not a single work related thought or worry in her head. the only thing she can focus on is the feeling of how warm the water is thats surrounding her in the tub right now and how high the bubles have gotten...well, that and the feeling of Elliots hands moving against her neck and shoulders from behind, it was a spur of the moment decision, Elliot brought a bottle of wine over that he had in Rome, one thing let to another and they ended up in her bathtub, bubles surrounding them, soft music playing from Elliots phone. They've been together for almost 8 months and this was new to them but it felt like the most comfortable thin

"Good?" Elliot asked quietly, breaking her out of her thoughts he feels Olivia take a deep breath

Olivia hums softly, she tilts his head and closed her eyes as his thumbs pressed into her shoulders softly "so good" she said

"Whatcha thinking about?" Elliot asked  as he contuined to rubed up her neck

Olivia smiles as she lets her head hang down "nothing..absolutely nothing" she said as she moved his hands off her neck before she laid back against his chest, she pulled her knee up slightly out of the water leaning it against the side of tub

Elliots eyes trail down her thigh before  slides his fingers up her arm as he wraps his arms around her chest  "want me to stop?" He asked

Olivia nods "for now" she said and glanced over at her wine glass "hand me that" she added

Elliot reaches over to a small stand by the tub, he grabs the wine glass and passes to her "You've been really quiet, you sure everything's okay?" He asked

Olivia downs the last of the wine in her glass as she turns around slowly, Pushing bubbles out of her away "El, right now I am the happiest, most relaxed, I've ever been, im just trying to enjoy every second of it" she said

Elliot watches her slide up on his lap, he looks up at her "I just like to make sure" he said poking a strand of hair behind her ear before his hand cuped her neck "you're beautiful" he added

Olivia smiles, she leans forward as her lips brush his softly "mhm, that third glass is starting to kick in" she whispered against his lips before she started to kiss down his jaw to his neck

Elliots hands slowly slid up her back as she presses her body against his chest, his eyes flinched as he felt her hand slide down his stomcah "right here?" He asked

Olivia nods against his neck as her lips found thier way back to his "right now, i want you-" she said as she moved up towards his ear and started whispering every single thing she wanted from him, everything she wanted him to do, right now


Olivia chuckles out of breath as she's now the one behind Elliot, she pulls her her legs up against  his waist as she leans her head back against the tub "I think-I think this tops it as the best sex we've had" she said as she ran her fingers through her hair

Elliot smiles as he slides his hand up and down her legs "better than that night I stayed over when Noah was at sleep over, the power went out, we were only suppose to get ice cream from the freezer so it didnt go to waste but then, got handsy in the kitchen and found the whip cream" he said

Olivia hums softly "Okay..this was a close second then" she said as she sat forward sliding her hands over his chest behind as she kissed his shoulders

Elliot puts his hand over hers  "how long you wanna stay in here?, your bubbles are disappearing" He asked

Olivia smiles as she laid her chin against his shoulder "depends, you heading home when we get out?" She asked

Elliot slowly shakes his head "Not if you dont want me to" he said and turned his head to look at her "want me to stay over?" He asked

Olivia nods "yes please" she whispered

Elliot kissed her slowly "okay" he said

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