"who hurt you?"

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Based on a ficlet prompts from "DailyEOficletPrompts" on Twitter

Trigger warning: mentions of sa, violence, gun, ect

This will be a mini series onehshot.. following the next quotes based on the phone above

Olivia leans over a sink washing dishes, she blows a strand of hair out of her face as she leans up from the sink and sighs, she looks over at Noah who is currently dusting picture frames in the living room

"Hey..remind me again, whose idea was it to spend today cleaning the house?" Olivia asked as she pulls her gloves off

"Yours mom, this was your idea" Noah said as he turned back to his dusting

Olivia rolls her neck slightly, letting a small crack out "this was dumb idea Noah" She joked

Noah looks up as there's a knock at the door

Olivia groans at the thought of company, she goes over to the door and looks through the peephole, him, she feels her heart drop to her stomach, she quickly pulls her hair down from the clip holding in her ponytail, she ranks her fingers through her hair then realizes what she's doing, she opens the door slowly

Elliot smiles on the otherside of the door, hands behind his back "hi, hope I'm not interrupting anything" He said

Olivia shakes her head "not at all..what..what are you doing here?" She said

Elliot glances at her lips for a moment "um, I was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by and bring you these"

Olivia glances down at the box of red hots in his head, she chuckles "redhots" she said

"I remembered how much you liked them" Elliot said watching her carefully

Olivia smiles, she takes the candies and looks up at him "thank you" she said and hesitanted "um..Elliot" she started to say and stopped her self

Elliot scrunchs his brows "what?" He asked

Olivia shakes her head "um..you're tall, and Noah and I are cleaning the house, do you mind coming in and helping me grab stuff from the closet?" She asked knowing that was the worst cover ever

Elliot nods "yeah, sure" He said

Olivia chuckles at how quick he accepted the favor, she moves out of the way for him to come inside

Elliot glances at Noah when he reaches the living room "Hey kid" he said

Noah smiles "Hi Elliot" he said

Olivia closes her eyes at the thought of Noah befriending Elliot, she clears her throat and heads down the hall "just down here" she said

Elliot follows, he glances upnat the pictures on the wall, realizing how much he missed out he stops as Olivia opens a closet door

"Uh, That tote up there, it's just blankets, but I cant" Olivia reaches up to show she can't reach, not realizing her shirt pulled up slightly

Elliot glances down at something that catches his eyes, he immediately notices the small faded scars on her stomach

"Can't reach" Olivia finished her sentence as she looked up at him, she notices the sadness in his eyes "you okay" she asked

Elliot scans his eyes over her quickly, as if he's expecting her to be hurt right now "what happen?" He asked

Olivia looks at him confused "what?" She asked

Elliot reaches for her shirt and lifts it slightly, out of reflex from when they were close, they're note close like that anymore

Olivia smacks his hand and steps back from him, her eyes wide as she stares at him "what the hell are you doing?" She asked quietly and in an offended tone

Elliot can practically feel his heart rip in two at her tone "your..your shirt raised up, im sorry..liv who hurt you?" he said

Olivia stares at him, he doesn't know, a million thoughts race her in head, he didn't know, what would he have done if he knew, she shakes her head "I dont want to talk about that right now..Elliot, I think you should leave" she said

Elliot notices her sliding her hand across her stomach, he nods softly "im sorry Olivia" he said he grabbed the tote from the closet and sitting down before he left the apartment

Noah steps in to the hallway and looks at Olivia "where's he going?" He asked

Olivia looks at him, she puts a fake smile on "Uh he had a family thing to get to" she said

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