that was embarrassing

528 11 1

Olivia glances up from her wine glass, as if she sensed his presence, she looks down to the end of bar as Stabler walked in, completely unaware she's there. She smiles to herself before heads down towards him, she sits on the stool next to him and clears her throat

Elliot looks over, shocked, he smiles

Olivia smiles "hi" she said

Elliot looks around slightly "im undercover..." he said quietly

Olivia nods slowly, she clears her throat and holds her hand out "im me a drink?"

Elliot can't hide his smile, it's almost making his cheeks hurt, he shakes her hand "I'm Jackson"

Olivia let's out a small snort "yeah that sounds natural" she mumbled and turned back to the bar as the bartender walked up

"Another beer and whatever the beautiful woman beside me wants" Elliot said boldly

Olivia glances at the bartender "whatever hes having"

Elliot turns and leans his side against the bar "I can't stay long, im meeting someone"

Olivia smiles "buying a baby?" She joked

Elliot chuckles "not this time" and glanced out the window "Jets in my ear, my target is coming in...

Olivia takes a swing of her beer as she glances around "I was here first, you go"

Elliot smiles as he moves over to a table

"That was embarrassing to listen to" Jet said

"Dont listen then" Elliot said quietly as he sat

"Dont be flirting on the job" Jet said

Elliot watches Olivia as she walks out of the bar, "i wasnt...flirting, this guy coming in or not?" he said quietly

"Yeah okay baldy. Hes still on the phone out here, don't flirt with him when he comes in" Jet said 

Elliot rolls his eyes, he goes to speak just  as hears Olivia's voice in ear piece

"I was flirting with you, you sure weren't with me?" Olivia asked

Elliot felt his heart drop "maybe I was.." he said and sat up straight when the target walks inside "we'll talk later" he said quietly

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